2022-03-26 3716 浏览
📍Clarence New place led by Olivier Elzer. Immediately came to give it a try as I thoroughly enjoyed L’ Envol. Once you step out of the elevator, you can smell the residual renovation smell 😅 Clarence is set to provide a French/Japanese fusion take with a friendly environment. Decor wise, it’s comfortable and lovely. Food wise, it’s a bit of a hit and miss to me. We were first served with some complimentary items. The small radish was very refreshing but the honey mustard dip was a bit too overpo

New place led by Olivier Elzer. Immediately came to give it a try as I thoroughly enjoyed L’ Envol. Once you step out of the elevator, you can smell the residual renovation smell 😅

Clarence is set to provide a French/Japanese fusion take with a friendly environment. Decor wise, it’s comfortable and lovely. Food wise, it’s a bit of a hit and miss to me.

We were first served with some complimentary items. The small radish was very refreshing but the honey mustard dip was a bit too overpowering. The thick cream dip on the other hand was good.

Tried their Black Prawns with Tonka Bean & Lemon Peel. No doubt the black prawns were fresh and sweet but the seasoning tasted more like Thai than Japanese to me.

Then here comes the brand new concept of Yakifrenchy. To be honest, I am not a fan 😅 Tried a few items and none of them really stand out nor improved after being put on skewers. My frog leg was really dry and the seasoning was quite bland.

An interesting episode is that they gave us snails instead of egg plant. We told the waiter and he said “ok” and then left the snail on our table. We were left a bit puzzled as it’s Covid times now and we are not sure how to deal with the 🐌😂 It was after 5 mins, another waiter came and told us that our eggplant is on its way. In the end we had the snail without it being charged which is a very nice gesture by the restaurant but the whole experience was a bit weird.

For the star of the day, we chose Challans Duck Breast cooked on the bone with Charcoal and glacéd with Caramel Spices. The duck breast was very well executed. Tender and juicy. It might be a bit sweet to some people but it’s not a problem to a sweet tooth like me.

As a bread lover, I had to try their baguette but it is more than ordinary. Can’t say much given its price point.

Didn’t have time, or else would like to try their croffle too.

Overall, can give it a try but probably a bit later when the renovation smell is gone and when their staff training is up to par first.

Price: HK$700-1000pp (lunch)

Revisit: 7/10 (for the duck)
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