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Mediterranean restaurants in Kowloon are few and far between, particularly if you aren't literal with the term and exclude the northeastern portion (Spain, France, Italy), so that fact alone makes Hyatti a unique and worthy addition to the eater's landscape here. Does existence guarantee quality? No, but Hyatti quickly dispels that concern and distinguishes itself as much more than just a token representative of Mediterranean food.I will now recap in 广东话! 喺九龙你好少会见地中海餐厅, 所以晓峰阁已经系几特别, 不过佢哋都系煮得劲好食.
I will now recap in 广东话! 喺九龙你好少会见地中海餐厅, 所以晓峰阁已经系几特别, 不过佢哋都系煮得劲好食.
I've enjoyed both lunch and dinner service here, but I most often experience lunch, so let's focus on that...
喺呢度晏昼饭同埋晚餐我都试过, 但系我通常去𠮶度食晏, 所以呢个述评嘅焦点系午餐...
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芝士牛肉焗薯菜(配饭同埋沙律)有碎牛肉,青豆,薯仔,洋葱,蒜茸,蕃茄酱,马苏里拉芝士. 呢啲系北非洲嘅煲仔酱,好似我哋煮煲仔饭咁 (其实佢哋有好多款煲仔酱, 我净系试过呢款). 我喺呢度第一次食呢个𩠌觉得非常好味... 之后再食都系咁好味!
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全世界嘅地中海餐厅都有中东烤鸡肉. 好普通. 但系呢个就好标青 - 好过其他 - 因为啲面包系佢哋自己即刻整嘅. 有软, 有滑, 有热热辣辣! 呢个套餐都有沙律, 同埋如果你食得辣, 佢哋会畀辣椒酱你. (系中辣嘅 - 唔系太辣.) 你要小心食呀不过: 好多汁,可能会流晒出嚟. 我对手次次都食到湿晒,可能因为我手法唔够高.
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食完套餐之后佢哋会畀甜品你食. 有两至三款拣 (甜品款式会定期转). 喺呢度我有两个俾你睇: 第一个系苹果批. 好松化同埋有牛油味. 唔会甜得滞. 如果有脆皮同埋多小小苹果肉会好食啲, 不过已经几好. 第二个系椰香蜜糖蛋糕. 大部分系粗粒小麦粉,椰丝,蜜糖. 小小湿嘅质地 同埋啲烧椰丝超香! 如果你想揾啲特别嘅嘢食, 就一定要试吓呢个.
Before I wrap this up, let me take a moment to say how lovely the staff is at Hyatti. They greet customers with a smile and a kind word, they check to make sure you enjoyed your experience, and have a deep passion for their food. When I asked about basbousa, for example, the chef explained it to me from every angle: recipes, how and where it's sold in Egypt, production cost trade-offs... I was incredibly impressed by his knowledge, but also by how excited he was to share it with me. I love the food there, and I would go back even if the service wasn't good, but now I'm compelled to go back every week because the people are so great. I'm already looking forward to my next visit!
最后我想话: 晓峰阁嘅人员好好客, 好亲切, 成日都会四万咁嘅口. 我一见到佢哋就好开心. 我每个星期会去𠮶度食嘢,但系而家已经好心急想再去!