Want to be given rubbish restaurant service and have to pay for the privilege? Look no further than this crap branch of a well-known and long established Hong Kong styled steak eatery.Scenario.….03/07/2013 evening entered the establishment for dinner. Declined to sit at the furthest remote corner table stating it was hot and there was no air-con (hot weather warning was in force).The waitress shouted at the top of her voice to her male colleague,” they don’t want to sit there, ah”. The equally i
Want to be given rubbish restaurant service and have to pay for the privilege? Look no further than this crap branch of a well-known and long established Hong Kong styled steak eatery.
Scenario.….03/07/2013 evening entered the establishment for dinner. Declined to sit at the furthest remote corner table stating it was hot and there was no air-con (hot weather warning was in force).The waitress shouted at the top of her voice to her male colleague,” they don’t want to sit there, ah”. The equally impolite reply shouted back by a thick-rimmed bespectacled, pink shirted male staff member, “wait outside, la!” Sit there or get out was the message. Talk about not wasting your words and the customer is always right. This wasn’t it.

Still we preserved and waited at the front of the restaurant while we perused the menu. When a more amicable table was available, we seated ourselves. No-one was on hand even though I counted 5 waiting staff working that evening.

Chose the铁板西冷牛扒and铁板猪扒. The soup and bread roll arrived. With the butter knife in hand and still in the process of spreading the butter, a tall long straight haired middle aged waitress asked,” finished with the butter?” Was she over eager to attend to us or just ready to finish her work day. Politely told her to go away empty.

The main course arrived and the pink striped shirt waiter was totally displeased about having to serve us (after moaning loudly to his male boss about the situation). He lazily picked up the铁板西冷牛扒and ‘dropped’ it on our table. I just stared at him in disbelief. If this is the normal style and level of service vented to customers, this place is finished.
Where was all this bad mannered service coming from? The impolite, bad and rude service stemmed from the short round rimmed glasses service manager. His staff followed his example and this was observed at their serving other customers.
Never experienced anything like it and never eat in this chain again!!

Oh, I totally about the food. The 铁板西冷牛扒was sinewy and tough throughout. The 铁板猪扒 tasted of salt and grease. Bad food, rubbish service. Enough said!
Go at your own risk.
题外话/补充资料: Openrice does not allow issue of negative ratings on the taste, decor, service, hygiene and value for money bars otherwise I definitely would.
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
10 分钟 (堂食)
$100 (晚餐)