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去完东荟城行outlet,唔想系商场食嘢,就出去附近揾食,俾我揾到有间较近海嘅餐厅😎我见都几多外国人食嘢饮嘢吹水,就入咗去🤩餐厅环境几暗,有个大mon播紧足球比赛⚽见有几枱都睇得好肉紧🤣🌮ATAVOLA NACHOS $125 (nachos cilli beef +$50) 4/5一嚟到见到劲大份好开心!😍(薯片马苏里拉芝士,胡椒,鳄梨,黑橄榄,酸奶油和莎莎酱)~NACHOS上面舖满大量以上配料,一拎起每块都有拉丝🤩牛肉碎有少少辣好过瘾,每一块都可以舖劲多肉碎,又可以放大量芝士,cream同牛油果酱,啖啖满足!🤤I was thrilled to see such a huge portion when it arrived! 😍 (Tortilla chips, mozzarella cheese, peppers, avocado, black olives, sour cream, and salsa) ~ The NACHOS were loaded with generous toppings, every bite had stringy cheese! The spi
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I was thrilled to see such a huge portion when it arrived! 😍 (Tortilla chips, mozzarella cheese, peppers, avocado, black olives, sour cream, and salsa) ~ The NACHOS were loaded with generous toppings, every bite had stringy cheese! The spiced beef was slightly spicy and addictive, each piece was generously topped with meat, plenty of cheese, cream, and guacamole. Every bite was satisfying! 🤤 🥩Angus Ride Eye Stick 12 Oz 安格斯肉眼扒 $405 4/5
We chose our steak to be cooked medium rare, and the restaurant provided us with a separate sauce and sea salt for seasoning, It tasted flavorful and juicy, with lots of meaty juices. The sea salt enhanced the beef flavor even more 🐂 The steak was served with a side of grilled vegetables and salad greens 🥗
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It had a delightful coconut milk flavor followed by a tangy pineapple taste~ So refreshing 🤤
饮落泡沫好滑顺,味道较浓郁💦口感幼滑 💕
The foam went down smoothly when I took a sip, and the taste was rich and robust, It had a smooth texture 💕 💕正当我地chill住紧食嘢,餐厅突然播一啲中东音乐,有舞蹈员上台表现跳舞!💃真系好惊喜,舞蹈员跳跳下仲会落台同食客互动🤣全场气氛high爆!✨
Just as we were enjoying our meal, the restaurant suddenly played some Middle Eastern music and two dancers came on stage to perform! It was such a pleasant surprise, and the dancers even interacted with the diners while dancing , The atmosphere in the whole place was electrifying! ✨