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好少朝早起身去cafe chill 呢日放假嚟到港岛湾仔新开嘅Blue Bottle分店 食下好西 叹杯啡 naisu!🤎💟Brunch Plate [$108]好喜欢佢嘅salad 好开胃 仲要有parma ham!! 窝夫可以再松脆一点但还不错~ 不得不提佢个酱 酸酸甜甜好特别 加埋个糖心蛋 is幸福QAQ💟Temescal Blend [$58]呢间cafe嘅 Hand-drip tasting note会唔会 太 靓!好有feel!! 饮落几重roasted嘅豆香 之后慢慢饮到佢偏berry taste嘅acidity 唔会太酸 整体几balanced!💟Grill Sandwich- Chicken Lettuce [$84]好食好食!🤣🤣首先系个番茄酱同面包嘅口感好夹 chicken is tenderrrrr👍🏻👍🏻 感觉系健康又好食嘅饱肚早餐!最正系佢个番茄汤 有嘢饮马上变得很抵的感觉🤣系浓郁的西式蕃茄汤 饮完都真系会有啲济but it’s definitely filling and satisfying~💟Espresso [$36]Love it with ton
💟Brunch Plate [$108]
好喜欢佢嘅salad 好开胃 仲要有parma ham!! 窝夫可以再松脆一点但还不错~ 不得不提佢个酱 酸酸甜甜好特别 加埋个糖心蛋 is幸福QAQ
💟Temescal Blend [$58]
呢间cafe嘅 Hand-drip tasting note会唔会 太 靓!好有feel!! 饮落几重roasted嘅豆香 之后慢慢饮到佢偏berry taste嘅acidity 唔会太酸 整体几balanced!
💟Grill Sandwich- Chicken Lettuce [$84]
好食好食!🤣🤣首先系个番茄酱同面包嘅口感好夹 chicken is tenderrrrr👍🏻👍🏻 感觉系健康又好食嘅饱肚早餐!最正系佢个番茄汤 有嘢饮马上变得很抵的感觉🤣系浓郁的西式蕃茄汤 饮完都真系会有啲济but it’s definitely filling and satisfying~
💟Espresso [$36]
Love it with tonic served!!! 好喜欢佢冇加糖!啡味够香 有点解腻嘅感觉 丰富嘅早餐配斋啡真心正!!