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The cliche states "if you've nothing nice to say...". To avoid criticizing this restaurant would be to do the world a public disservice. The food is atrocious, MSG-Laden, poorly presented and ready made. I sit on my Retina MacBook Pro with a large bottle of Evian nursing my latest mistake.The novelty of this store drew me in. It's on a charismatic street bearing the charm of a night market. "Must be good" I wrongly thought. "Place looks really old!" (which unlike for women, in restaurants, is a
The novelty of this store drew me in. It's on a charismatic street bearing the charm of a night market. "Must be good" I wrongly thought. "Place looks really old!" (which unlike for women, in restaurants, is a great thing!) I purred.
The smell immediately annoyed me in there, felt like a stuffy den. "Food must be exceptional", I thought, to bear with these surroundings.
The menu is entirely in Chinese. Pictures although are universal. I proceed to order what is the first picture on the cover, what I would term the Vietnamese Starter Sampler. The usual suspects are all present, the Dumpling, the Spring Rolls, the Prawn Cracker with the Meat on it and the Salami.
The food arrived as depicted, having arrived within ninety seconds of me ordering it suggested to me the food was already prepared, but simply plated. I should've acknowledged the sign of trouble and left. Was my first meal of the day at 6:00PM, I let my hunger control my common sense.
To carry on would be like subjecting you to the specific details of a violent rape. I shall but conclude in saying, my mouth is still swimming with MSG even post an Ice Cream at the Ben and Jerry's up the road. The Evian is barely helping.
Lincoln said, "Avoid popularity if you would have peace." In this instance, just avoid this disaster.