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It was I Felt Like Salad Friday. da Via had approx.. 6 pre-mixed choices (half were pastas). The large salad was served pretty much in an iphone 6 Plus box (I like to be right so I measured it!). *Side note: I seriously had an iphone 4, fine, 4C-size salad somewhere else in the same neighborhood, and that was a large. I’m glad iphones are getting bigger and bigger.* Hong Kong makes most salad take-out so precious(ly pricey). BUT… Mr Nice Server packed the box so it was filling enough to get me t
A large box could choose 3 salad options. I chose my pasta and was having a hard time deciding on the last 2 veggies. Mr Nice Server saw my “oh, so sad” face and let me have some of everything, secretly when the boss was not watching. *You see? This is the kind of service that gets you to feel better about paying more for a 128GB upgrade than sticking to the basic.*
All the pre-mixed salads at da Via relied on olive oil, a bit of salt, pepper and herbs. The olive oil was smooth and not grassy. I can see people saying the salads being a bit bland in terms of flavor but I like them. Most pre-mixes out there are usually very saucey, creamy, garlicky, sugary, curry curry… guarantee to leave your palate hella confused after cramping into ONE box. The last few (drenched) bites are the hardest to endure but I won’t dare to throw them away because the price equals to 2 lunchboxes at cha chan tang-s.
Back to my salad box - $68; with a coffee - $30
Octopus & potato – Tender baby octopus (no chewing on tires), lightly salted with just the right amount of flavor, some parsley and yellow potatoes with a bit of vinegar. This was my favorite among the choices.
Fregula – Little bead-like pasta varied in colors of toasted bread and the texture was a little coarser than regular pasta. The internet said it’s the “cousin” of couscous. The raisin, celery and toasted red pepper combination balance out the carb-filled feeling. I had a lot of them in the box so it was like eating rice but definitely more interesting than regular penne or fusilli salad.
Grilled vegetables – A mixture of bell pepper, zucchini and peppercorn. I wished they could add eggplants. The peppers were very sweet so I saved the best bites for last to eat with the fregula.
da Via is fairly new to the neighborhood and already attracting a well mix of customers (locals and local-foreigners). It’s good to see that the kitchen and servicing counters take up a large portion of the place; the owners are willing to let their staff have a comfortable working space vs. “let’s packed in the tables so we can (hopefully) pay the d*mn rent!” Guests have to actually sit closely together among the tables and window seats but can always “grab & ciao” like da Via says.
There is also a mini-mini bar at the back. The place also has a lot more menu options than what you see displaying at the counters. Sometimes the restaurant is slightly under staff but everyone you can see that they are trying their best. It’s also great seeing the found duo being hands on with serving and prepping the dishes.