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The signboard above the door, with the name “Tartes & Pop” written in a bright orange cartoonish style introduces brand-new eminent French Tartes. The store has a very simple and modern interior. Various autographs of popstars are hanged on the so-called ‘Wall of Fame’ just near the tart display. The lime light never stops flashing in the selfie zone which is settled in the corner of the shop with some props for the pictures. The large display fridge which stands in the middle of the store is p
The signboard above the door, with the name “Tartes & Pop” written in a bright orange cartoonish style introduces brand-new eminent French Tartes.
The store has a very simple and modern interior. Various autographs of popstars are hanged on the so-called ‘Wall of Fame’ just near the tart display. The lime light never stops flashing in the selfie zone which is settled in the corner of the shop with some props for the pictures. The large display fridge which stands in the middle of the store is placed under the bright light, so each highlighted masterpiece would make it so addicate and irresistible to try.
One of the shopkeepers, Luke (a very friendly guy), stands in the counter welcoming with his warm smile. ‘French dessert is one of the must-have of French cuisine’, says Luke while serving the tarte.
Each dessert in the shop is handmade. The most popular desserts among the Hongkongers is the Matcha tarte desserts, their ingredients are directly sent from Japan. After trying it, it is not difficult to understand why all the tartes sell out so quickly.
I was looking to try one of the bestsellers of Tartes & Pop but they were already sold out when I came in, so Luke recommended me other three options:
Raspberry Chocolate Tarte
The tarte tastes rich in raspberry and its crunchy base flavoured with chocolate creates a perfect combination blending sour and sweet. The finishing top is sexy enough that you no longer need to watch porn before bed, while the chocolate mousse adds a caress for your taste buds. All the chocolate lovers surely cannot miss it.
Mojito Mocktail Tarte
The tarte doesn’t only taste like a Mojito but also looks like one, it is beautifully decorated with lemon flavoured jelly and mint leaves. Even the appearance of the would rise your appetite. Well balanced taste between the sourness of lemon, and the refreshment of mint gives an extra hint. Having the challenge to mimic a classic Mojito they managed to completely nail it.
Verbena Pineapple Tarte
‘People who live in Hong Kong might not be familiar with verbena.’ Luke said, ‘Verbena is a common herb in France. Other than adding to soup, it can be added to dessert.’ Putting together with seasonal pineapple, the sourness brings up the unique favour.
The crunchy base seems easily made (combining such ingredients as butter, milk and eggs). But they are different in every tarte store and believe me, if you try desserts in Tartes & Pop, you won’t be able to switch to any other ones, just because of its unique French recipe.
The store also provides delivery service. Gift packs and other package is available to share the joy of French tartes. HKD 40 for a tarte might seem a bit lavish, but for this unique luxury experience, it’s worth paying.
Tartes & Pops
No.2, Morrison Street, Sheung Wan
Tel: 65976667
真正吸引我进来的, 是挂在门口橙色卡通字样的Open牌。 小弟孤陋寡闻未听过鼎鼎大名的Tartes&Pop, 庆幸有这个偶遇有机会品尝。
店内只有一个大冰柜, 里面陈列著所有在店内购买的产品。 柜上是笑面迎人的法国店主之一Luke. 典型外国型男, 柜内是精心打造的艺术品, 加上店内装潢清新型格路线, 很难不令人理解,为什么店内的产品可以火速沽清。
Lukes 说法国甜品是法国的国粹之一, 选址在这里开业除了是能够享有比较理想的租金外,区内的氛围也比较适合这种重质不重量的小店生存。 店内每一份甜品都是由他和合伙人亲手制作, 当中最受香港人欢迎的抹茶甜品,材料更是由日本直送。
覆盆子朱古力挞 (Raspberry Chocolate Tarte)
松脆饼底额外添加了朱古力, 入口很有梅果的香味, 初入口时稍为比较酸。 但后面朱古力挥发出的时候, 就发现朱古力和红莓出奇地夹。下面朱古力慕丝打得挺身不腻口。 若果喜欢朱古力的朋友不能错过。
莫希托挞 (Mojito Mocktail Tarte)
店主声称是无酒精版本的Mojito. 经典鸡尾酒的组合放在甜品中是一种惊喜,有份子料理般的精致。 甜品师把柠檬汁分别制成啫喱和方型泡沫, 加上薄荷叶和中间加入薄荷的柠檬慕丝。 除了不得不赞的外貌外, 柠檬的酸度和薄荷的力度亦恰到好处。 下层的饼底依然松脆, 并不会因为上层的慕丝而变软,乃心机之作。
菠萝马鞭草挞(Verbena Pineapple Tarte)
香港人也许对马鞭草比较陌生,Luke 说马鞭草才是法国当地极为普遍的香料。 除了会加入餐汤中也会制成甜品。 今次刻意用上时令的菠萝,用酸甜带出香料独特的气味....
不得不提是甜品店的自家制饼底, 每一个吃下去依然香脆浓郁。 店主说也是使用牛油牛奶鸡蛋等材料, 但是这种独特的感觉要你亲身食过才会明白。
店内除了有堂食亦有外卖供应,有$400/9个的gift Pack. 更有外卖到会的服务。 除了甜品柜,店内竟亦有名人堂(Wall of Fame , Luke 说是这些歌手来香港的时候订购了他们的甜品时签名。 除此之外角落亦有道具摆设的Selfie Zone, 食得自然当然亦要影得。
有人说四十多元一个Tart很昂贵, 但是外国直送材料,法式甜品地道制作。整个Package, 很值得!
Tartes & Pops
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