餐厅: NOC Coffee Co.
优惠: 于此国泰伙伴餐厅用餐赚里 !
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2019-08-24 186 浏览
This place opened up in Tin Hau pretty recently, which is great! A nice (if pricey) addition to a neighborhood that doesn’t really have a lot of Western brunch items. The food itself is excellent — I’ve never been disappointed with a meal. Their crab toast is generous with the crab (as well as the accompanying items — avocado, salad etc) while their chicken salad is actually enough to make you full. The prices are a bit higher than other options, particularly if you choose to eat local in Tin Ha
This place opened up in Tin Hau pretty recently, which is great! A nice (if pricey) addition to a neighborhood that doesn’t really have a lot of Western brunch items.

The food itself is excellent — I’ve never been disappointed with a meal. Their crab toast is generous with the crab (as well as the accompanying items — avocado, salad etc) while their chicken salad is actually enough to make you full. The prices are a bit higher than other options, particularly if you choose to eat local in Tin Hau, but overall the taste and quality of the food balances this out. As a result its quite popular—and can be challenging to get a seat, especially on the weekends.

The biggest and most recurring problem, however, is how long it takes to get your food. I’m writing this because this is around the 3rd or 4th time this has happened. My friend had to wait over 30 minutes for his meal; it was incredibly grating to see the item he ordered delivered to tables that had come after our arrival. Several queries on where his food was also yielded no explanation.

The staff were professional about this, and appropriately apologetic. It’s possible that the kitchen / waitstaff got overwhelmed with how many orders were coming in. That said, this seemed like a failure of process that occurred somewhere along the line—and it’s not the first time that this has happened. My recommendation is to please pay more attention to this kind of stuff, because it can ruin an otherwise enjoyable experience. This isn’t enough to prevent us from coming back, but it is enough to make us think twice (and take the time to write this review).
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)