2015-02-21 1574 浏览
I recall having super delicious soup curries in Hokkaido, not exactly how it tastes here although I have to disclaim that I have not tried SAMA in Japan.Spice levels go from 0-30 plus 3 soup base choices? Gosh, that's a heck of choices to make just for a simple bowl of soup curry and rice hence a tough call for the indecisive me. In the end, B and I respectively went for Marathon Chicken with a spice level of 2 and coconut soup base; and Vegetarian Bear with a spice level of 3 and tomato soup ba
I recall having super delicious soup curries in Hokkaido, not exactly how it tastes here although I have to disclaim that I have not tried SAMA in Japan.

Spice levels go from 0-30 plus 3 soup base choices? Gosh, that's a heck of choices to make just for a simple bowl of soup curry and rice hence a tough call for the indecisive me.
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In the end, B and I respectively went for Marathon Chicken with a spice level of 2 and coconut soup base; and Vegetarian Bear with a spice level of 3 and tomato soup base.

Not a lot of difference in the contents between the 2 except that the chicken curry has some pieces of chicken thigh in it, errrr for 10 bucks more the chicken choice seems a good deal? Ha.
Marathon Chicken
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Vegetarian Bear
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Plain rice
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Spiciness between level 2 and 3 is basically undefinable, so why the hassle?

The interesting bit is the soup. Coconut is coconuty alright but its sour tasting too?! Tomato can't taste and see and tomatoes in it?!

I also don't like the idea of eating rice off a really shallow plate, and more so when the plate has bumpy pattern on it. Every scratching sound inevitably made when scooping the rice out from the dish made me cringe.

We have also ordered on the side 2 flower teas which have not given us the tastes they supposed to offer ie lemongrass and rose.
Flower teas
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Attitude of server, hm, not exactly impressive either.
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$290 (晚餐)