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🇭🇰 每次买 @teabrush 都中意饮麻糬芝麻乌龙鲜奶 同 麻糬玄米抹茶鲜奶 ❤️ 好香茶味 中意佢奶味唔算好浓 👍🏻 最紧要系啲麻薯都够烟韧 🇨🇦 one way to #supportlocal 😉 if you like sth that has a strong tea base instead of just milk 🥛 this would be a good fit for you ❤️ highly recommend to get their mochi sesame oolong milk🧋 Drinks 麻糬芝麻乌龙鲜奶 mochi sesame oolong milk 39麻糬玄米抹茶鲜奶 mochi matcha milk 39
🇭🇰 每次买 @teabrush 都中意饮麻糬芝麻乌龙鲜奶 同 麻糬玄米抹茶鲜奶 ❤️ 好香茶味 中意佢奶味唔算好浓 👍🏻 最紧要系啲麻薯都够烟韧
🇨🇦 one way to #supportlocal 😉 if you like sth that has a strong tea base instead of just milk 🥛 this would be a good fit for you ❤️ highly recommend to get their mochi sesame oolong milk🧋
麻糬芝麻乌龙鲜奶 mochi sesame oolong milk 39
麻糬玄米抹茶鲜奶 mochi matcha milk 39