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今次系第一次去! 总括而言,我认为是被骗(广东话叫俾人揾笨)!一同九人去 Farewell Dinner, 本应是一个很愉快的体验! 我们是星期一夜晚8:15进入,而我们特定人数只可以订取 「Chef Tasting Menu」 五道菜成为港币$530 + 10% 首先五道菜用咗两小时上齐,而且由第一道菜到甜品都系每三个人分享一碟! 我哋见到隔篱枱有面包,我哋都有借问可否要面包,好可惜只有a La Cart Menu才可以有! 可能大家都好奇点解仲要食面包? 但我好简单, 就系食完都仲饿过未入嚟之前! 整体而言, 我认为佢哋想做一个 casual fine dining 气氛,但我认为整体为失败!食物味道还可以,但大部份餐厅在这个价位容易整到这个质素!除非你系饥馑30如果你系绝对唔会饱! 三个人一齐切同一碟菜,唔知以为你去紧茶楼饮宴, 但起码茶楼饮宴你都会食得饱。 我哋叫咗两支酒,每支酒大概$500港币! 佢哋仲要预订时,仲要俾Deposit! 去完呢间餐厅我深深明白到为何香港人每个周末都要上深圳消费! 呢次系我第一次写Review,深刻体会到俾人揾笨的感觉!This is my fi
今次系第一次去! 总括而言,我认为是被骗(广东话叫俾人揾笨)!
一同九人去 Farewell Dinner, 本应是一个很愉快的体验! 我们是星期一夜晚8:15进入,而我们特定人数只可以订取 「Chef Tasting Menu」 五道菜成为港币$530 + 10%
首先五道菜用咗两小时上齐,而且由第一道菜到甜品都系每三个人分享一碟! 我哋见到隔篱枱有面包,我哋都有借问可否要面包,好可惜只有a La Cart Menu才可以有! 可能大家都好奇点解仲要食面包? 但我好简单, 就系食完都仲饿过未入嚟之前!
整体而言, 我认为佢哋想做一个 casual fine dining 气氛,但我认为整体为失败!食物味道还可以,但大部份餐厅在这个价位容易整到这个质素!除非你系饥馑30如果你系绝对唔会饱! 三个人一齐切同一碟菜,唔知以为你去紧茶楼饮宴, 但起码茶楼饮宴你都会食得饱。
我哋叫咗两支酒,每支酒大概$500港币! 佢哋仲要预订时,仲要俾Deposit! 去完呢间餐厅我深深明白到为何香港人每个周末都要上深圳消费! 呢次系我第一次写Review,深刻体会到俾人揾笨的感觉!
This is my first time going! Overall, I feel like I was deceived (in Cantonese, "being made fun of")! Nine of us went to the Farewell Dinner, which was supposed to be a pleasant experience! We entered at 8:15 on Monday night, and for our specific group size, we could only order the "Chef Tasting Menu" consisting of five courses, which cost HKD $530 + 10%.
First of all, the five courses took two hours to be served, and from the first course to the dessert, they were meant to be shared by every three people! We saw bread on the neighboring table and we asked if we could have some, but unfortunately, it was only available with the a la carte menu! Maybe everyone is curious why we wanted bread? Well, it's simple. We were still hungry after finishing the courses and before coming in!
Overall, I think they wanted to create a casual fine dining atmosphere, but in my opinion, it was a failure! The taste of the food was okay, but most restaurants at this price range can achieve that quality easily! Unless you wanna starve yourself, you won't be satisfied! Sharing one dish among three people made me feel like I was at a dim sum restaurant, but at least at a dim sum restaurant, you can eat will be full.
We ordered two bottles of wine, each costing around HKD $500! And they even required a deposit when making the reservation! After dining at this restaurant, I deeply understand why Hong Kong people go to Shenzhen for shopping every weekend! This is my first time writing a review, and I truly experienced the feeling of being taken advantage of!