7 浏览
认识了十三年的好朋友Michael,没空来我的birthday party, 他来后补宴客﹐带我来这里。店子不易找﹐但入到去又很private 的感觉。//侍应们都是正宗日本人﹐很是友善呢﹗吃的方面﹐每道菜也精彩非常﹐十分新鲜。我们叫了一些卷物﹑小食﹐they were all so good and well done! LOVED the fried 连藕片﹐it was excellent. Will DEFINITELY come again. Two persons total $480, very worth it, thank you Michael!
吃的方面﹐每道菜也精彩非常﹐十分新鲜。我们叫了一些卷物﹑小食﹐they were all so good and well done! LOVED the fried 连藕片﹐it was excellent.
Will DEFINITELY come again. Two persons total $480, very worth it, thank you Michael!