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今天同学闲情邀请我带她去找吃的,但我当时头疼脑热,于是推辞了。没想到,一出学校门口,立即就好了,我于是就放弃回家的计划,向乳酪雪糕店前进。问一问roll的店员,本来星期六特别的草莓口味今天没有,therefore I the turned to the other froyo shop next to roll.Oh my goodness that their froyo was extremely watery,and it tasted even too very much so sweet~!Yuck, it certainly was a very bad froyo and as my choice was pistachio flavor,it made a big contrast with cova's wonderful pistachio gelato.Please don't try this shop if you don't want to make yourself have diabetes~!
therefore I the turned to the other froyo shop next to roll.
and it tasted even too very much so sweet~!
it made a big contrast with cova's wonderful pistachio gelato.