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Tried this new cafe in Central. The environment is quite good, spacious with electrical sockets and USB ports. 喺中环搭紧半山扶手电梯时,发现咗呢间新开嘅咖啡店,个门口要喺条巷仔行入去,唔系咁易揾。全间铺有十几张枱,我系平日下午去,得几张枱有人,枱系木色,凳系绿色,令人好舒服,配合返间铺主张健康plant-based食物。值得一提系佢哋有电掣同USB位俾人叉电,坐一个下昼hea下都得。Since the cafe is plant-based, they provide coffee with oat milk or soy milk only. I ordered a cup of latte with oat milk, it’s a small cup, and the taste is so-so.叫咗杯Latte,佢只提供soy milk (豆奶) 或 oat milk (燕麦奶),店员话oat milk is more creamy,于是拣咗oat milk。杯oa
Since the cafe is plant-based, they provide coffee with oat milk or soy milk only. I ordered a cup of latte with oat milk, it’s a small cup, and the taste is so-so.
叫咗杯Latte,佢只提供soy milk (豆奶) 或 oat milk (燕麦奶),店员话oat milk is more creamy,于是拣咗oat milk。杯oat milk latte 细细杯,卖相同味道一般,饮开牛奶咖啡的话未必会喜欢,但对于怕肥或追求健康的人应是不错的选择。
Latter with oat milk
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除咗咖啡,仲有salad bowl卖,可以自选配料,另外亦有面包同burger。