餐厅: 「和」日本料理
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海逸君绰酒店 "和" was scheduled to open around July and I was anticipating a trip to try S佐藤-san's 手握り & 手鞠 sushi. However they had a delay until September. For some reason, from then on I never quite made it to visit as planned until November, despite living close by. Considering this is situated in yet another Harbour Grand Hotel - one wouldn't normally expect to find such high quality Japanese restaurants in this establishment. Especially one with only 18 seats!**************************Ordered a U
海逸君绰酒店 "和" was scheduled to open around July and I was anticipating a trip to try S佐藤-san's 手握り & 手鞠 sushi. However they had a delay until September. For some reason, from then on I never quite made it to visit as planned until November, despite living close by. Considering this is situated in yet another Harbour Grand Hotel - one wouldn't normally expect to find such high quality Japanese restaurants in this establishment. Especially one with only 18 seats!

Ordered a Upper-End Sushi Set at Night rather than Omakase Courses (which include Hot Food as well). All seafood choices are decided by the Head Chef, then I also placed additional orders after thought completely forgetting the 手鞠 Foie-Gras sushi I was meant to order, I guess next time! The fish and shellfishes are all imported from Japan and are never frozen, some really seasonal and rare choices of fishes are available:

O-TORO - Fresh and never frozen. Melts in mouth!
平政 - Crunchy and really sweet as usual. Lovely!
缟鯵 - More fattier than I expected.
的鲷 (まとうだい) - Not usually a fish imported into Hong Kong, its meat texture is unlike normal 鲷, well they're different species altogether. This one is closer to a 剥皮鱼. My first time trying this fish ever!
赤矢柄 (あかやがら) - This fish was said to be more abundant and available just before a typhoon! Usually more seasonal and available at this time of the year -sometimes its available upto January and Feb. It non-plumb texture is completely different to many fishes, its taste has a strong fish taste but slightly fishy like character.
金目鲷 - I love this fish! Its funny how Hong Kong and Chinese cuisine treat this fish with disdain, with such a low market price.
赤贝 - Quite fresh rather than the frozen type! If you want - you can also order freshly shucked, raw ones with more blood! Surprisingly good despite having passed its season in Summer already.
帆立贝 - Big and tasty. Scallops are great even out of season for some reason!
云丹 - No seaweed was given. A big piece covered the rice.
蟹味噌 - REALLY GREAT QUALITY! Its definitely not the 'canned' type which usually reeks of unfreshness. This was really sweet, and carried the strong Livery organs taste of the 松叶蟹! Some people call this as crab roe, even certain sushi chefs for some reason. In reality, its a mix of both organs and roes from the Crab's head area... already needs some meticulous preparation.
キビナゴ (吉备奈子) - Usually available in warmer waters and seasons. Its at the end of its season in November but more common in Summery months. Tastes just like a Sayori when raw! smile
カジキマグロ (真剑鱼) - Not usually highly regarded locally and therefore not imported into Hong Kong, but it has its fans in Japan! Its not related to the normal, super oily 剑鱼腩 stuff we order at 日本放题's!

酸姜 - Done in house, this was really lovely without that overly chemical or vinegary nor sugary treatment. No artificial colourings derived from 'insects' either

新鲜山葵 - I saw another customer getting these, and in my nigiri sushi's some were pre-added in. No wasabi was given separately on the plate - its not Hong Kong-nised at all...GOOD! Rice quality meanwhile was also good but not great quality, slightly too wet.

OVERALL - This 18 Seater restaurant is more impressive than its setting or location suggests. .... Its one of the more impressive shops I have tried so far, although the Nigiri quality isn't not close enough to the 'Artistic Form' type I had hoped to re-experience outside Japan or even Australia. It surprises me sometimes, how much more better the top quality sushi's are in Japan's top shops.

Food Quality: High '4'
Assortment of FIsh Selections: High '5'
Will Be Back to eat definitely!
Sushi Counter - Built a bit Higher than Normal
76 浏览
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赤矢柄 & Other Whole Fishes
92 浏览
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Assorted 寿司: Named in Order below
120 浏览
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カジキマグロ & 吉备奈子
146 浏览
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Fresh, Never Frozen 大トロ!
78 浏览
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3 种渍物
66 浏览
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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
Sushi Counter - Built a bit Higher than Normal
赤矢柄 & Other Whole Fishes
Assorted 寿司: Named in Order below
カジキマグロ & 吉备奈子
Fresh, Never Frozen 大トロ!
3 种渍物