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When daily schedule has become increasingly demanding, visiting somewhere evokes the sense of retreat, or just an escape from the urbanity, that is something I would really appreciate.take a boat to Po Toi Island, one of the hundreds of Hong Kong’s outlying islands for some quality seafood.🌟stir fry abalone with Ginger and Scallion - this holy trinity of Cantonese cooking provides a fragrant base ~the perfect herbal allies🌟 deep fry squip with salt and pepper ~ super crispy🌟 steamed shrimps Geog
take a boat to Po Toi Island, one of the hundreds of Hong Kong’s outlying islands for some quality seafood.
🌟stir fry abalone with Ginger and Scallion - this holy trinity of Cantonese cooking provides a fragrant base ~the perfect herbal allies
🌟 deep fry squip with salt and pepper ~ super crispy
🌟 steamed shrimps
Geographically, Hong Kong’s waters with connection to South China Sea, Pearl River Delta, and in proximity to Vietnam, it gives our markets so much diversity in seafood. The only question is, where to find the best of the best?