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Steamed Baby Chinese Cabbage I Dried Shrimp Cream Sauce I Local Fresh Mushroom I Bacon-🍽️Main👉🏻24小时慢烤伊比利亚叉烧|猪油捞饭|日本温泉蛋|红洋葱渎|大豆芽|韩国紫菜Slow Cooked Iberico Char-Siu | Pork Fat Rice | 63°C Egg | Pickled Red Onion | Bean Sprouts | Korean Seaweed👉🏻三杯爆炒台湾龙胆石班鱼片及开边带壳去头老虎虾 日本樱花虾炆日本稻庭粗鸟冬 鲣鱼忌廉汁Pan fried local squid & tiger prawns in three cup style, served w/Sakura shrimps braised Inaniwa udon, bonito cream sauce-🍸Cocktail👉🏻芝麻花生汤圆Sesame Mochi ( Sesame whiskey Peanut Foam
👉🏻清蒸高山娃娃莱|生晒虾米忌廉汁|本地鲜铅笔菇|嫩炒烟肉 Steamed Baby Chinese Cabbage I Dried Shrimp Cream Sauce I Local Fresh Mushroom I Bacon
Slow Cooked Iberico Char-Siu | Pork Fat Rice | 63°C Egg | Pickled Red Onion | Bean Sprouts | Korean Seaweed
👉🏻三杯爆炒台湾龙胆石班鱼片及开边带壳去头老虎虾 日本樱花虾炆日本稻庭粗鸟冬 鲣鱼忌廉汁
Pan fried local squid & tiger prawns in three cup style, served w/Sakura shrimps braised Inaniwa udon, bonito cream sauce
Sesame Mochi ( Sesame whiskey Peanut Foam)
Staff were very friendly and they patiently explained the menu and didnt put any pressure on me in deciding which to pick🤣 everything tasted pretty nice👍🏻 the broth of the steamed cabbage was very complex🍲 the char siu was my favorite! Went super well with the soft boiled egg😋 the two cocktails were kinda interesting as well! I don’t mind revisiting with friends on a casual lunch / dinner!
📍29 Wyndham St, Central, Hong Kong SAR, China