14 浏览
After finishing a rousing game of badminton, my friends (I will call them DnA) and I were hungry. So we made our way to Red Ant. Where my other friend SnoCar ditched us, but whatever! j/p. We've been there a few times and it's good, warm down food. Western style clay pot which is basically Chinese soul food in my opinion. Anyways, for English speakers their is a fully translated menu ... so no worries on that front. So we settle in to our booth seat which is ample room for the 3 of us and a bunc
So we settle in to our booth seat which is ample room for the 3 of us and a bunch of badminton bags and gear. Not our first time so we know we have to wave our hands like we our drowning to get attention. Anyways, we order and the waiter takes the order and READS BACK the order to us, so after that we continue talking.
We get our drinks and lukewarm soup which is especially "salty" which was the first comment A said when she tasted the soup and is only bearable if you add Tabasco sauce, so it taste like a poor man's Tum Yum soup. Also my drink was a bit on the sweet-side, but my fault for not asking for less sweet on the onset.
Then DnA get their meals first which is the usual, since I for some reason almost always seem to get my meal last. So they ordered a beef with black pepper sauce and some other forgettable ingredients clay pot. They though it was decent enough.
After waiting for like 10 min and now basically DnA were more than half done, we flagged down one of the many waiters that seem to be playing hide and seek with us.
We tell the waiter to help us check on the food and she nonchalantly goes to review the bill and tell us that we didn't order a second meal. Instantly DnA are like WTF, we told her that I already got my soup and drink and also the waiter read it back to us. Then she goes to yell at the waiter who took our order and they take about 5 min to confirm and then tell us they have fixed the order and it will take another 5 min for the food to be read.
No apology and they were both laughing about the mistake among themselves... again WTF and 10 min later we had to flag yet another hide and seek waiter who only popped out to get tissue for non-existence customers since it was late. Anyways, we again ask him to follow up and then he goes off and comes back and he was about to tell us " the rice takes time to co o k" when another waiter comes and has my rice. So now it was obvious when he went to check, he didn't or he would of known my rice was pretty much ready. Anyways, D told him why are you try BS us and he didn't have anything to say and ducked out, quick style.
Anyways my clay pot rice with chicken and some kind of white sauce was pretty taste and the chicken was cooked well. I didn't want DnA to wait too long so I just basically scarfed it down and was disappointed I didn't really get to enjoy it.
I've been their 3 times and this was the worst and even at it's best it's still hard to catch a waiter, even though they have what seems to be an army in there. They are just exceptionally good hide and seek players, I wouldn't want to play paintball against them.
Food is good though and that is why I didn't mind pretending I am drowning, but this was an especially bad service day, but I am going to factor in the 3 times I went in my rating. 3 is pass/ good if I am around that area I will consider it, but wouldn't purposely seek it out.