15 浏览
To get a good experience in Sabatini requires serveral criteria:1. Weekdays/Weekends: 90% business purpose on weekday dinners, be prepared with all foreigners (especially americans) talking and laughing loudly, and 'presenting' their business proposals to guests next to their table. 2. Location of seat: pick a corner seat! 3. Time of dining: their service is professional in general but at 100% occupance, certainly the quality will deterioate. So if possible, start your dinner earlier to avoid cr
1. Weekdays/Weekends: 90% business purpose on weekday dinners, be prepared with all foreigners (especially americans) talking and laughing loudly, and 'presenting' their business proposals to guests next to their table.
2. Location of seat: pick a corner seat!
3. Time of dining: their service is professional in general but at 100% occupance, certainly the quality will deterioate. So if possible, start your dinner earlier to avoid crowds.
4... Complain to manager: It's one of my favourite restaurants and I really really wish the hotel can improve their decor to include some noise absorbing materials....