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We opened this open rice account to specifically to point out what just happened over our dinner. On 8 Jul, my wife and I went to this restaurant for dinner. The dinner was nice and we DID discussed that we shall come here again in the near future.Then, the nightmare came! At the end of the dinner, my wife went into the toilet and soon 2 drunken customers (one male + one female) went to the toilet and bang on the toilet door. They were using inappropriate language (pretty much eff* your whole f
The dinner was nice and we DID discussed that we shall come here again in the near future.
Then, the nightmare came! At the end of the dinner, my wife went into the toilet and soon 2 drunken customers (one male + one female) went to the toilet and bang on the toilet door. They were using inappropriate language (pretty much eff* your whole family) to swear at her and kept banging on the door. She was hiding inside for a while cuz she was so scared until she heard the outside is quite. She was very upset with tears coming out as she was very scared. I quickly complained to the restaurant staffs. They were feeling bad about what happened however they mentioned that they are "regular" customers and that they were just drunk (yeah duh we can tell they are drunk) and that they don't mean harm (in their minds). Not to mention, we saw the same drunken man, went to another table and his whole body pretty much LEAN on top of a female customer, that woman jumped and left her seat and we don't know how they deal with it...
My wife and I were upset of the behaviour of their so call "regular" customers. We are EVEN more upset with the staffs responds to us like that, they can keep serving their regulars and scare away the new potential clients. It ruined our Saturday completely!
今次系我第一次开个openrice嘅户口, 因为我从来都系食完嘢亦都唔会刻意写食评, 我和我太太都很喜欢,出街食嘢,平嘅贵嘅我哋都钟意去试, 但系都唔会刻意去ig或者openrice或者任何地方去写食评
今次我特登开个户口系因为真系食得好唔开心, 啲嘢食系ok好味...not gonna complain that
临走之前我太太去厕所, 畀两个人大声吓拍门用粗口闹足几分钟, 出到嚟好彩冇畀人打, 跟住同两个侍应分别讲出刚才发生什么事情,然后两个侍应很淡定同我讲
"....佢哋系熟客呢, 饮多咗啲,饮醉咗, 无嘢嘅..."
我哋两个亲眼见到同一个醉客去另外一个女客人嘅枱, 成个人扑埋去, 𠮶个女人成个弹起, 当然我没有留意,𠮶个table有冇投诉
但系恭喜你,你哋继续serve你哋啲so call 熟客! 因为despite你哋啲嘢食新鲜同好味, 你哋待客嘅态度系不知所谓
我唔够胆再嚟, 费事嚟都畀人打唔知咩事, 然后掉过头你会同我讲"系熟客来佢哋冇心嘅"
Final piece of advice...
THINK TWICE before going to this restaurant!