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·🍑🍦白桃软雪糕 White Peach Soft Cream $48从来对生果造嘅副产品都无太大吸引力,但呢个真系另眼相看!👀雪糕唔会太甜,白桃味一d都唔假!😍仲要好大杯呀!😋啱晒我呢个大胃王!😜 I feel like tasting the real white peach! And it’s so huge that I could only finish it by sharing with my boy. 👫·🍵抹茶吉士红豆 Matcha Custard & Red Beans $18呢个次次经过都好想食🤤,今日终于忍唔到喇!要叫梗系要个最多料嘅!😉 一拎上手新鲜出炉热辣辣!因为宜家中秋仲印咗🐰🐰上去!So cute!😍一咬落去,真系爆浆咁嘅口感!抹茶味回甘,质地油滑!根本就系流心咁样!配埋红豆,正呀!🤤🤤🤤 This is sure AWESOME! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻It’s sooooo smooth, creamy and rich in matcha flavour! Definitely worth trying this luscious dessert! 😋
🍑🍦白桃软雪糕 White Peach Soft Cream $48
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从来对生果造嘅副产品都无太大吸引力,但呢个真系另眼相看!👀雪糕唔会太甜,白桃味一d都唔假!😍仲要好大杯呀!😋啱晒我呢个大胃王!😜 I feel like tasting the real white peach! And it’s so huge that I could only finish it by sharing with my boy. 👫
🍵抹茶吉士红豆 Matcha Custard & Red Beans $18
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呢个次次经过都好想食🤤,今日终于忍唔到喇!要叫梗系要个最多料嘅!😉 一拎上手新鲜出炉热辣辣!因为宜家中秋仲印咗🐰🐰上去!So cute!😍一咬落去,真系爆浆咁嘅口感!抹茶味回甘,质地油滑!根本就系流心咁样!配埋红豆,正呀!🤤🤤🤤 This is sure AWESOME! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻It’s sooooo smooth, creamy and rich in matcha flavour! Definitely worth trying this luscious dessert! 😋