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Tapeo Bar De Tapas y Vino is located by the sea in Sai Wan Ho. I thought the food is outstanding until I tried it myself. This tapas bar makes no different with the other rubbish restaurants around the area – looks better than it tastes. It is nothing compare with the one in Central. The only good thing about this tapas restaurant is you are actually eating tapas by the bar.Cuisine: SpanishFood rating: 2/10*Service: 6/10 Ambiance: 7/10Price: HK$150pax* Food Rating: 6/10 is equivalent
Cuisine: Spanish
Food rating: 2/10*
Service: 6/10
Ambiance: 7/10
Price: HK$150pax
* Food Rating: 6/10 is equivalent to 1 Michelin star, 8/10 to two Michelin stars, and 9/10 or 10/10 to three Michelin stars
Chorizo with tomato (3/10)
This is a dish that you can’t actually screw up, Central did (burnt the Chorizo) and Sai Wan Ho succeeded. However, the cherry tomato was slight over cooked, because it didn’t hold it shape, but the flavour was great.
The rice have no seasoning, and the seafood too. More importantly the seafood was frozen. The seafood was cooked with before the rice and put it back on top. The rice lacked the sauce and no saffron was used, and one last thing, Paella rice was not use for Paella. Great dish.
The mushroom was fresh, rich and delicate. The mushroom was cooked to very nice, great balance with the herbs and garlic. Highly recommended.
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