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Feeling the need to take a breather, I decided to have a quick lunch in Sheung Wan and take my time for a walk back to Central despite the weather. I'm so, so glad I decided to head back on foot, otherwise I wouldn't have come across Po's Atelier. 天气随著复活节长假期结束,由前几天的天朗气清,变得骤晴骤雨。即使下著雨,也无阻我想到上环走走,吃顿简单的轻食午餐,然后慢步回中环的打算。真系,真系好庆幸我无被天气打消念头,唔系都唔会遇上 Po's Atelier. Thankfully, it was only drizzling by the time I began to make my way back after a light lunch. As I reached the end of Po Hing Fong, a shop with
真系,真系好庆幸我无被天气打消念头,唔系都唔会遇上 Po's Atelier.
Thankfully, it was only drizzling by the time I began to make my way back after a light lunch. As I reached the end of Po Hing Fong, a shop with minalistic decor, with its wide sliding door opened, caught my eyes.
As I walked in slowly and closed my umbrella carefully, I found myself surrounded by the incredibly lovely aroma of fresh bread, cream and butter. That sweet smell of fresh-from-the-oven bread, trapped in this chic bakery on a humid day like this, simply melted my heart.
Thanks to the moisture in the air, the aroma was amplified
- it smells like heaven.
For a moment, I thought I was in Paris.
除了被眼前 实而不华 的新鲜面包 定了神
也被那新鲜出炉面包 和阵阵奶油香 停住了脚步
湿气把 新鲜面包 的香气都留住在店内。
那是一种简单 却让人感到满满的幸福 的一种香气。
On a rainy day like this, with a sudden craving for sweets, my eyes were immediately drawn towards the little display card of <Chocolate and Fig Danish>. Unfortunately, it was sold out. The shopkeeper - a lovely and helpful lady - immediately recommended the signature Danish of the day, which was one with Tomato and Cheese (think it was brie). Upon learning my craving for something sweet, she recommended the <Pain Au Chocolat>.
女店员十分友善,看到我发现 <朱古力无花果丹麦酥> 售磬的失落神情后,带著和蔼的笑容向我推介 是日丹麦酥 <蕃茄芝士丹麦酥>。
见我想食甜嘢,佢即刻推介 <Pain Au Chocolat> (朱古力面包)。
The Pain Au Chocolat, overflowing with chocolate filling, looked absolutely delicious in a devilish way.
的确 好吸引
--- 清楚睇到 一层 一层 酥皮
--- 朱古力份量都睇落好足
Bearing in mind that I've just had lunch (albeit a light one), I felt too guilty to indulge in a pain au chocolat and went for the <Cinnamon Loaf> instead.
(Trying to convince myself that it's a healthier choice haha!)
不过,实在太邪恶喇... 始终o岩o岩食咗lunch
所以,最后拣咗 <肉桂面包>
(其实系自我感觉良好d 定系自欺欺人 XD)
Cinnamon Loaf
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Curious about the batches of freshly baked buns topped with pistachios (or pumpkin seeds... I couldn't tell for sure), which were not displayed, I asked the friendly shopkeeper what flavour were they in. She said they were potato buns specially made for a restaurant. I wonder where I could try them out.
I couldn't wait to enjoy the Cinnamon Loaf...
As I sliced through it with a fruit knife (the only one I had in hand), I was first super delighted to see how swiftly the knife went through the crust, and that the loaf "sprang back", showing how soft, fresh and spongy it was.
一切落去,第一感受系 好开心 即使我系用紧生果力,都切得咁顺
--- 面包酥皮外层清脆,唔痴力,面包芯好软,有弹性。
Then, I was slightly disappointed to see that there was no sign of cinnamon at the cross-section.
然后,我有少少失望,面包芯 无我期待嘅 肉桂。
Cinnamon Loaf
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Yummm.... It was really, really good.
This Cinnamon Loaf was in fact a brioche, and yet the buttery cinnamon crust was not overpowering
- it was, in my opinion, aptly buttery and sweet, and did not outshine the moist, soft and spongy white bread.
肉桂外层的牛油酥皮 --- 好 香 脆
而且甜度适中 唔痴牙
简简单单的白面包芯 --- 好 松 软
而且松软得来 系好似 又厚 又软绵绵 而带弹性嘅枕头咁
I could not hold back the urge to have a second slice - yes, I know I said I just had lunch!
And I'm glad I did - because that made me realised I was too early to judge and to feel slightly disappointed with the absence of cinnamon at the cross-section.
实在 太美味
所以忍唔到口 衬新鲜食多一旧
(系,我知我已经食咗晏 )
原来,个面包芯 系 有 肉 桂 架!
Turned out there was indeed a beautiful swirl of cinnamon!
Cinnamon Loaf (2/3 of the whole)
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Cinnamon Loaf (1/3 of the whole)
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I was about to have a big bite when I suddenly noticed how beautifully caramelised the bottom of the Cinnamon Loaf was!
It was so beautiful that I managed to resist the urge to dig into it heartily, and let my camera ate first
正当我谂住 一大啖 享受肉桂嘅美味
先发现 原来 面包底 系微微焦香嘅金黄色!
Cinnamon Loaf (1/3 of the whole)
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As a big fan of cinnamon I only wish there was more...
(Nevertheless, all in all I still think this deserves a 5-star rating!)
Although I've never made bread on my own, I guess having a swirl of cinnamon throughout the bread should be achievable.
焦脆嘅面包底 同样有肉桂嘅香 甜味适中
唯一 美中不足系 希望面包芯多d肉桂 唔系净系得中间个旧有
Too full to finish the last 1/3 of this heavenly tasty Cinnamon Loaf fresh on the same day, I gladly gave it to my colleague who was just about to start his late lunch at his desk. Not being a particular fan of cinnamon, he was cool with the absence of cinnamon filling in his 1/3, and totally agreed with me that it was absolutely delicious
Can't wait to visit again and try all the amazing pastries and bread! ;))