1527 浏览
向得中环返工, 冇 10pm 都有 8pm 先放得工工作繁忙既同时, 最紧要识食, 我讲识食, 系食咩? 你懂的... 今晚都已经不早, 经过见倒间 NYC 风格既 bar, 朋友 YogurT 姐又未讲完个 concall索性入去先饮杯野, 等佢讲埋先食.入到去就唔系 bar, 系 dining area, 在㩒㩒 secret code - "_ _ _ _"入到 exclusive bar area -时间像似 on a pause - let me get a VaaraRosey & Vodka 的 cocktail 配上 Penhaligon's purfume 喷一喷, YogurT 姐果然glam左 well, 可惜已经名花有主 Vaara 非常 feminine, 系比较适合女士的.除左 Vaara, Street Meat 既一 set Penhaligon perfume-paired cocktails... 都显得 exceptionally classy.我班 栗丝 ibanker 酒肉朋友, 睇落好风光 9pm 仲开紧 concall 未有得食饭是常识
工作繁忙既同时, 最紧要识食, 我讲识食, 系食咩? 你懂的...
索性入去先饮杯野, 等佢讲埋先食.
入到去就唔系 bar, 系 dining area, 在㩒㩒 secret code - "_ _ _ _"
入到 exclusive bar area -
喷一喷, YogurT 姐果然glam左 well, 可惜已经名花有主
Vaara 非常 feminine, 系比较适合女士的.
除左 Vaara, Street Meat 既一 set Penhaligon perfume-paired cocktails...
我班 栗丝 ibanker 酒肉朋友, 睇落好风光
9pm 仲开紧 concall 未有得食饭是常识吧?
开左成粒钟 concall, 太多乒 texts 又搞到 iphone 冇电点算?
继续 text
Finished our drinks - dinner time
尤如置身于 NYC 的闹市中一样
Was trying to start my quick dinner with some chips yeah?
and in NY, we call it FRIES, ya kno what im sayin'?
不过份油利, with the secret garlic Mayo dip - boom!
I'll give the waffle chips a 10/10 (wait did i say Chips again?)
轻微的 spice 令 wings 的味带出, Hot and Crispy, thats right.
Guiltiness x 100 不能自拔地一只一只送入朕口中
Spices and cream 又俾大家可以较较口味, if necessary.
Prince Street Station Sliders
Toasted bun 稔左少少, 如果脆少少就更好
Lobster Claw with salad 十分满足, topped with UNI makes you realise...
this is Hong Kong - 令你每口亦咀嚼著奢华
Toasted bun & crispy salad filling 绝不令你闷
this is so pre-party food for our night!
and wait - how could one leave without your lips sweetened?
Daily flavour 的 Macaron Sandwich is absolutely my second fav here.
Berries or Caramel?
实在 拣唔倒.
Macaron 外脆 + chillllled Ice-cream 冰冻夹心
Berries 酸度刚好, 亦不过甜, but calling it a sandwich is way too cute
it should be labelled "highly addictive" - sorry I had two of them.
文ey for valueness - 10/10!!!