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Today,I went to this restaurant in Tai Hang Road. I came to Hong Kong with my friends for holiday and I searched online that this restaurant is quitefamous so I want to have a try. But unluckily, it was rainy but i was about to leave to another hotel in the Kowloon side, therefore i still want to try.When i arrived, it was crowded inside so I had a take away. I ordered and a rude server told me to wait outside even it's rainy outside in a bad mannered. I was very disappointed with their manners
When i arrived, it was crowded inside so I had a take away. I ordered and a rude server told me to wait outside even it's rainy outside in a bad
mannered. I was very disappointed with their manners and i will surely not come again!!!The food is good but their serving is small and their manners are no good, I wonder how their manager teaches them. Lastly, their shop is very small and with tiny portions!!!!