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Some Update 1stly - I have just relocated my Photo's Blog to [foodofhongkong.blogspot.com] from the older , in case anyone needing some guidance when visiting our City or for those already residing here but need to have some English references on where to go or what to eat, decided to Google on keywords involving Hong Kong and Food. However, unfortunately I can't afford enough spare time or energy to maintain and upload to a Blog full time, as updating Openrice and also that site takes doub
Came to THE SQUARE around 2 months back for dinner for some unknown reason after work, totally a random idea. The food in general is very Maxim's like with their thick corn-starched sauces and down to earth flavourings rather than bold! The recommended stand-out dishes are the Whelk Slices with Jelly Fish, 云影翠玉, 脆脆龙凤卷 & the 蟹肉炒蛋, which was easily the BEST fried egg dishes around in HK. I feel that the dishes served in this restaurant are probably more suitable for Overseas Visitors than local visitors, as it reminds me of some China Town offerings ! Nevertheless, the quality and executions here are good enough. For Full Photos more than the 8 allowed and my personal Scores, you can visit the Photos Only Blog @ :