+853 28868868
米芝莲一星餐厅 (2017-24)
An exceptionally talented culinary team brings Cantonese food to new heights at the superb Ying. Options for guests include 7 private and 3 semi-private rooms.
Enjoy a culinary journey through homestyle delicacies and formal fare. Lively ambiance and
a spectacular view make Ying a unique treat.
11:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:30
11:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:30
This was the only Michelin star Chinese restaurant that still has seats available two weeks before our arrival so we decided to give it a try. We thought it might not be very good as it was quite empty when we arrive. However, the quality was unexpectedly amazing and we simply enjoyed every dish. We didn’t order anything fancy but everything we had was delicious..🥂Pan-fried Codfish with Premium Soya Sauce MOP$328Contrary to our expectation, it looked like a steak instead of a fish due to the colour of soya sauce and the skin was quite hard to cut. However, the flesh was silkily smooth even though the skin was very crispy. Seasoning was just right and we even finished all the diced gingers below it.🥂Braised Wagyu Beef Cheek with Italy Vinegar and Port Wine MOP$388Very interesting to see rice crackers to pair with beef cheek but it was such a great match. The beef cheek was very tender and glutinous that resembled fish maw. The sauce has a little sour in taste but balanced well with the crackers together.🥂Stir-fried Vermicelli with Crab Meat and Egg MOP$188It was fried just right without being soggy. Although it’s a little bland in taste, they gave us three different sauces to elevate its flavour.🥂Poached Vegetables in Tomato and Fish Broth MOP$128Really amazed by this simple dish. It’s rare to see tomato and fish broth to be used in cooking vegetables but the broth here was super flavourful without any fishy taste. We even cleared the last sip of it.🥂Double-boiled Pork Lung with Pholidota MOP$188It’s enough to share between four people and the soup was rich in flavour. It’s just weird that it wasn’t served at the very beginning.After having some exquisite dishes, it’s time for dessert and they were again, beautifully presented..🥂Sweetened Red Date Tea with Snow Clam in Pumpkin MOP$98Thought it would be a weird combination with pumpkin together but turned out it was really good. Not too sweet in taste and felt really good after, such a thing for health rehabilitation. Also the pumpkin was so good that I destroyed it so much in order to take all the pulp out. 🥂Sweetened Almond Tea with Egg White MOP$68My friend got this and I had a sip of it. Loved the subtle and natural taste that’s not so artificial-like.🥂Fried Yogurt (complimentary starter)Our complimentary starter was very appetising. Little sour with crispy exterior, such a cute snack.🥂Petit Four (complimentary dessert)These include sesame, red bean, yuzu and osmanthus in flavour. Nothing special but nice to have them as complimentary.As a Michelin⭐️ restaurant, it definitely lives up to its fame. The staff kindly reminded us to join their membership to receive a 15% off discount which was really a great value after all. Thanks for a lovely evening!Overall rating: 10/10
🥇今次走進了新濠鋒酒店,品嚐了水準一流的米芝蓮一星中菜:帝影樓。這裡主打是傳統粵菜,而菜式設計和賣相亦十分的吸引,各式各樣的粵式點心都顯盡米芝蓮大廚的心思和實力! 🦚當走進餐廳時,第一刻感受非常深刻,餐廳整體的設計顯盡傳統中式紅的設計外,更增添了幾分金黃色的配色,金色的鶴在餐廳裡飛揚,讓餐廳看起來非常華麗。更加吸引的地方是靠近落地玻璃的座位更能欣賞到澳門半島的景色,天色好的時候更加引人入勝呢~ ❤️當然不得不提推薦的菜式是火焰密餞煎頂級韓牛,服務員遞上菜式時還有火焰在韓牛上,牛味十足之餘視覺享受亦極佳~ 第二就是惹味龍蝦騸雞煲,龍蝦與雞的配搭帶出了層次,可以同時體會兩種味道簡直是享受~ 再來是果木伊比利黑豚叉燒,從伊比利的黑豚果然是味道一流,配合果木燒烤後,味道更是令人回味~ 【帝影樓名菜】🦆椰香脆皮妙齡乳鴿🐥惹味龍蝦騸雞煲🦀金桂花蟹肉炒米粉️❄️新鮮天麻涼拌鮮鮑片🤎果木伊比利黑豚叉燒✨家鄉花膠拆魚羹🐟帝影醬皇珍菌骨香龍脷🐮火焰蜜餞煎頂級韓牛🥛桃膠椰皇奶凍(
餐廳有standard 性價比高風景靚餐廳佈置優雅,符合粵式廣東風格地理環境方便,一下橋就到了酒店停車場餐廳在11樓,很寬敞不會感到擁擠最重要是有一個落地玻璃窗,看得到澳門和橫琴的夜景,呢點我係好喜歡的~我點了八樣菜式本來要點的「XO醬龍脷球」,服務員說賣完了….. 心想天呀~ 沒關係唯有點其他的。1. 花膠拆魚羹2. 清蒸杉斑3. 龍蝦騸雞煲4. 芥末炸蝦球5. 鹿兒島和牛粒6. 果木燒豚肉叉燒7. 濃湯魚肚時蔬8. 帝影樓一品炒飯(有點辣)整體味道偏濃,但煮得幾好食,菜式都很好搭,今晚是慶祝生日的,還有芝士水果蛋糕送👍,下次會想再去試下個早茶,不錯不錯!