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一餐唔太伤荷包嘅法国餐,介绍返💁🏻♀️法式海胆炒蛋真系不得了,鲜甜嘅加拿大海胆配埋炒到好似食紧牛油咁嫩滑嘅蛋,完全系来自天堂嘅美味🤤 呢个海胆menu做到4月14号,想食就要趁早嗜生牛肉嘅小弟梗系要会一会佢地个牛肉鞑靼,侍应会即场将啲牛同配料捞埋,再比食客试味,唔啱调到啱!味道走传统路线,辣辣地又带微酸,唔错唔错。另外当日仲试左个普罗旺斯客席主厨Matthieu Gasnier炮制嘅六道菜晚餐。菜色全部用上柠檬柑橘等嘅清新调味,食落充满南法嘅地中海风情,系我嘅菜👌🏻 我嘅最爱系前菜之一嘅酸橘汁腌吞拿鱼同埋甜品嘅法式柠檬挞Cafe de Paris is offering a menu of sea urchin from British Columbia 🤤 highly recommend this Oursinade, a dish of scramble egg with fresh sea urchin on top. So buttery that it literally glided on my tongue, heavenly!Beef tartare is also
法式海胆炒蛋真系不得了,鲜甜嘅加拿大海胆配埋炒到好似食紧牛油咁嫩滑嘅蛋,完全系来自天堂嘅美味🤤 呢个海胆menu做到4月14号,想食就要趁早
另外当日仲试左个普罗旺斯客席主厨Matthieu Gasnier炮制嘅六道菜晚餐。菜色全部用上柠檬柑橘等嘅清新调味,食落充满南法嘅地中海风情,系我嘅菜👌🏻 我嘅最爱系前菜之一嘅酸橘汁腌吞拿鱼同埋甜品嘅法式柠檬挞
Cafe de Paris is offering a menu of sea urchin from British Columbia 🤤 highly recommend this Oursinade, a dish of scramble egg with fresh sea urchin on top. So buttery that it literally glided on my tongue, heavenly!
Beef tartare is also a good option here. It’s mixed in front of the table, guests may taste the mix and add on the seasonings until they get the right flavor. Very traditional with the right amount of spice to balance out the meat.
6-course menu by guest chef Matthieu Gasnier from Provence is like bringing the palate to the Mediterranean, with all dishes seasoned with citrusy, light and refreshing flavors which makes a perfect spring menu. My fav were the Tuna Ceviche with Mediterranean fragrance and basil cream, and the dessert, the chef’s version of Tarte au Citron