海鮮盛宴 | FRESH SEAFOOD: 雪場蟹腿、黃金螺、鮮蝦、蛤蜊與刺身,每一口都是海洋的饋贈,精心烹飪,只為喚醒您的味蕾。 Featuring Crab Legs, Whelks, Shrimp, Clams and Sashimi, all prepared to tantalize your taste buds.
玫瑰豉油雞 | BRAISED SOY SAUCE CHICKEN: 經典粵菜再現,濃郁豉油香與玫瑰酒香的巧妙融合,滋味濃郁,口感細膩。 Savor the rich flavors of this classic Cantonese dish, enhanced with fragrant soy and a hint of rose wine for a truly indulgent experience.
臘味糯米飯 | CURED PORK GLUTINOUS RICE: 臘味與糯米的完美搭配,層次豐富,讓人回味無窮。 Delight in a harmonious blend of cured meats and sticky rice, offering a depth of flavor that is simply irresistible.
紐西蘭肉眼牛排 | NEW ZEALAND BEEF RIBEYE STEAK: 完美炭烤的肉眼牛排,外酥內嫩,每一口都是極致的滿足。 Perfectly grilled ribeye steaks that are juicy, tender, and utterly satisfying.
香醋豬腳薑 | PORK KNUCKLES AND GINGER STEW: 溫暖人心的醋香滋味,加上母薑味道馥郁,是季節裡的美味佳餚,亦是冬日裡無可取代的心靈慰藉。 Warm your soul with this hearty and tangy stew, a perfect seasonal delight that wraps you in comfort.
(*3至11歲可享小童優惠價 / 65歲或以上可享長者優惠價,請聯絡餐廳查詢) (*Child discounted price is available for those aged 3 to 11 years old / Elderly discounted price is available for those aged 65 or above. Please contact the restaurant for enquiries.)
(此套餐價格已包含按原價計算的加一服務費。) (10% service charge based on original price is inclusive.)