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Hokkaido Scallop Crudo難得有帶子味嘅帶子刺身, 雪糕噉嘅牛油果蓉口感幼滑味道清新, 青瓜爽口, 配上柚子油醋, 簡單好食。Scallops were flavourful, the ice-cream like guacamole is smooth and light, the cucumber slices add a bit of crunch, with the tangy and savoury ponzu vinaigrette, a simple but perfect combination.Roasted Bone Marrow With Escargot油香滿滿嘅烤牛骨髓配上爽彈嘅田螺同脆麵包糠, 調味略淡, 但灑上粗鹽後味道大為提升。Decadent bone marrow combined with crunchy escargot and crispy breadcrumbs, a bit light on the seasoning but the flaky salt lifted everything up.Grilled Octo
Hokkaido Scallop Crudo
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難得有帶子味嘅帶子刺身, 雪糕噉嘅牛油果蓉口感幼滑味道清新, 青瓜爽口, 配上柚子油醋, 簡單好食。
Scallops were flavourful, the ice-cream like guacamole is smooth and light, the cucumber slices add a bit of crunch, with the tangy and savoury ponzu vinaigrette, a simple but perfect combination.
Roasted Bone Marrow With Escargot
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油香滿滿嘅烤牛骨髓配上爽彈嘅田螺同脆麵包糠, 調味略淡, 但灑上粗鹽後味道大為提升。
Decadent bone marrow combined with crunchy escargot and crispy breadcrumbs, a bit light on the seasoning but the flaky salt lifted everything up.
Grilled Octopus
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八爪魚軟硬適中但略欠烤過嘅香味, 茄子泥幼滑, 'Nduja加上櫻花蝦醬係好好嘅配搭, 感覺似地中海XO醬, 同八爪魚好夾, 加上爽脆嘅荷蘭豆畫龍點睛, 可惜鋪面嘅炸菇菌冇咩味。
The octopus was well cooked with great texture, but lacked a bit of charred flavour, the eggplant puree was smooth, the 'nudja and the sakura shrimp paste create a Mediterranean style XO sauce, which worked great the octopus, while the snow peas added some crunchiness and freshness to the whole dish, too bad the fried mushrooms on top was quite bland.
Halibut Confit in Duck Fat
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魚肉嫩滑, 可惜有一舊落鹽重手咗, 好鹹, 另一舊ok, beurre blanc略浠, 感覺油水分離, 三文魚子同魚子醬一齊令魚子醬冇咩味, 哩道菜配搭ok但煮出嚟效果欠佳。
The fish was tender, but one piece got way too much salt, the other one was fine, the beurre blanc was a bit watery and seems broken, the salmon roe overpowers the caviar, overall the flavour combination was fine but the execution was unsatisfactory.
Iberico Pork Secreto
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選用肩胛肉, 屬於有咬口的部位, 偏好淋滑的話未必啱口味, 但個人非常喜歡, 而且真係燒到medium, 外層焦香, 非常有肉味, menu寫話配Aioli, 但結果係Gremolata, 無防, 都好味, 而整道菜嘅亮點係炸千層焗薯, 真係有食拿破倫嘅口感, 非常鬆化。
The cut being served is the shoulder, which is firm and has some bite to it, not for those that like their meat very tender, the meat is super flavourful and juicy, well charred outside and cooked to medium inside, the menu says it’s paired with Aioli but it turned out to be Gremolata, still delicious though. The star is dish is definitely the deep fried gratin dauphinoise, which they called the potato “mille-feuille”, and it literally is one, a very crispy one.
Apple Tarte Tatin
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蘋果撻略為失望, 撻皮欠牛油味, 蘋果餡亦唔夠味, 整體偏清淡, 反而個cream同焦糖醬好好, 充滿烤堅果同香料味, 一齊食應該可以補足, 奈何啲cream同焦糖醬實在太少, 唔夠點個蘋果撻。
The apple tart is somewhat disappointing, the pastry is not buttery, the apples lacks flavour, overall is kind of bland, the cream and caramel sauce is tasty on the other hand, you really get the flavours of toasted nuts and sweet spices, they could have complemented the apple tart nicely, unfortunately they were served in teeny tiny bits.
總評 / Conclusion
整體調味偏輕手, 應該係為咗特顯食材味道, 但出品絕對係中環高級西菜嘅級數, 但絕對唔係中環價錢。服務方面感覺到都係想做到高級西菜STANDARD, 例如每道菜都會問客人係咪滿意, 會主動幫客人斟酒斟水等等, 略嫌不足嘅係侍應唔熟餐牌, 有啲菜式好奇想知用咗咩材料, 都要問廚房先知, 另外全晚唔計甜品食咗5道菜都係用同一套餐具, 起碼食完生嘢後應該要換一套餐具, 哩啲都係有啲美中不足嘅地方, 但係整體嚟講相信暫時係將軍澳質素最好嘅西菜。
Overall the seasoning is on the light side, which might be the chef’s intention to let the ingredients shine, but the food quality is definitely on par with any upscale restaurants in Central, if not better, at a fraction of the price. In terms of service you can feel that they strive to achieve upscale dining standard, the servers would ask your opinion after every dish, they would refill your glass promptly, however the servers were not familiar with the menu, when I tried to find out more about the ingredients in certain dishes, they had to check with the kitchen staff, and I was using the same set of cutlery through out the whole meal, excluding dessert, it would be better to at least provide a new set of cutlery after the customer is finished with the raw food. Despite the minor issues, this is so far the best restaurant one can find in TKO.