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趁weekend去大館食個brunch,見到呢間西班牙菜幾有特色,就約朋友去下!❣️入面環境好elegant,好多sofa位坐得舒服❣️逢星期六日有non stop brunch,$498/位就有無限追加8款意大利前菜!1️⃣前菜包括(可追加)✨ Burrata and Parma ham(+HK$98 per portion)- 最鍾意中間burrata texture 軟綿綿地嘅texture,好濃奶香味道,旁邊配上薄片parma ham有嚼勁,唔會好肥。✨ Cured sea bass tartare with avocado mousse- 外面脆脆一層薄脆,入面配上粒粒軟香牛油果✨ Caprese salad - 入面有爽脆沙律菜同番茄仔,仲加了脆粒粒,開胃之餘口感唔錯✨ Vitello tonnato- 凍淋芝士配上片片番茄,幾清新另外,仲有Pizzetta, arancino and panzerotto combo、Deep-fried gnocco with Parma ham, mortadella and stracchino cheese、Meatballs with
❣️逢星期六日有non stop brunch,$498/位就有無限追加8款意大利前菜!
✨ Burrata and Parma ham(+HK$98 per portion)
Burrata and Parma ham
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- 最鍾意中間burrata texture 軟綿綿地嘅texture,好濃奶香味道,旁邊配上薄片parma ham有嚼勁,唔會好肥。
✨ Cured sea bass tartare with avocado mousse
Cured sea bass tartare with avocado mousse
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- 外面脆脆一層薄脆,入面配上粒粒軟香牛油果
✨ Caprese salad
- 入面有爽脆沙律菜同番茄仔,仲加了脆粒粒,開胃之餘口感唔錯
✨ Vitello tonnato
Vitello tonnato
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- 凍淋芝士配上片片番茄,幾清新
另外,仲有Pizzetta, arancino and panzerotto combo、Deep-fried gnocco with Parma ham, mortadella and stracchino cheese、Meatballs with tomato sauce可以配搭,真係前菜都大🈵️足!
🐷 Pork fillet with baby aubergines, tomato concasé and pork jus
Pork fillet with baby aubergines, tomato concasé and pork jus
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Pork fillet with baby aubergines, tomato concasé and pork jus
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- 外層grill得夠香口,入面豬肉滿滿豬肉香、肉質軟嫩同juicy,熟度剛剛好,好有心機
- 配菜仲有幾個baby aubergines
- 每人有成3款,超豐富,個人最like tiramisu,軟軟甜甜的散發咖啡香,幾特別
真係難得有free flow嘅brunch,環境又舒服可以chill下,有機會再來