港鐵奧運站 C1 出口, 步行約6分鐘 繼續閱讀
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10:00 - 18:00
10:00 - 18:00
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食評 (123)
等級3 2024-02-01
320 瀏覽
~ Regular All-Day Breakfast ~ Genmaicha Latte •I recently enjoyed the all-day breakfast at Wan Land Cafe in Tai Kok Tsui, and it left a satisfying impression 🤍! The regular breakfast spread featured perfectly cooked scrambled eggs, a succulent chicken frank, and a noteworthy Wagyu black truffle sausage. The bacons were crisp, the smoked salmon was fresh, and the avocado added a creamy touch. The inclusion of portobello mushrooms and a side salad brought a wholesome balance to the plate 🍽️. The toasts with a generous layer of butter were simple yet delightful 🍞. For the drink, I ordered a genmaicha latte, which I think was a unique drink not commonly found on cafe menus 😆! Overall, a delightful breakfast experience with a variety of flavours that cater to diverse tastes 👍🏻. 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2023-12-30
298 瀏覽
Mocha奶泡打得唔好, 一上枱豆皮咁款⋯😑好快就開始化開, 好失望, 真係好想要求換左佢🥲🥲🥲勉強打張卡就搞混佢唔想見到🤦🏻‍♀️(靚拉花要綿密, 飲到底都唔會化)開心果奶酥Croffle見完杯咖啡真心💔💔💔⋯好彩甜品補返少少分😮‍💨 Croffle應冇難度, 脆的, 很好;開心果 Gelato唔錯, 如果個開心果醬可以多返少少會好啲, 增加返開心果既元素, 而唔係僅限於係個 Gelato only.真心被杯咖啡搞彎哂, 忍唔住寫一個🥲話哂都唔平⋯比咖啡影響哂 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2023-11-07
426 瀏覽
This cafe has been on my list for a while now, and finally got round to trying out this spot which is also pet-friendly! 🐶🐈 Pic 1️⃣: 一浪總匯吐司 - $83 hkd 🥪 — Can’t say I’ve been here without trying their signature sandwich! This comes with a salt grilled chicken fillet, thick scrambled egg, cucumber shreds, tomatoes, shredded cabbage mixed with peanut butter and mayonnaise. Personally though the grilled chicken could’ve done with a bit more seasoning as it lacked flavour and was overshadowed by the peanut butter. The scrambled eggs were creamy and so decadent. The flavours in this sandwich are more on the sweeter side, coming mainly from the peanut butter, but overall pretty satisfying with an interesting blend of flavours! Pic 2️⃣: 玄米茶牛奶 / 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐚 𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞 - $39 hkd 🍵— Loved this! The genmaicha taste was strong, aromatic but not overpowering or bitter. The latte was extremely smooth and lightly sweetened which was perfect. Loved the adorable latte art too!Pic 3️⃣: 鹿兒島黑豚御好燒 Croffle - $108 hkd 🐷 — Another satisfying brunch plate that looked and tasted great! The croffle was crispy on the outside, with a light, buttery, flaky interior. It’s topped with a small okonomiyaki which was loaded with lettuce and thin slices of Kagoshima pork which had a good level of fattiness to it. The okonomiyaki with packed with flavour, and the sauces were really tasty and went surprisingly well with the croffle. The plate comes with a side of salad, fresh fruit and tamagoyaki which were all pretty tasty.Pic 4️⃣: 美祿恐龍 / 𝐌𝐢𝐥𝐨 𝐃𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐬𝐚𝐮𝐫 - $49 hkd 🍫 — Heard good things about the milo dinosaur here so I decided to try it out but honestly nothing too special 😂 It’s your average milo dinosaur that unfortunately wasn’t cold enough as it was prepared with hot milo and not enough ice. 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2023-11-05
314 瀏覽
同朋友一齊帶貓貓來呢間pet friendly餐廳入面有柴犬和其他客人的寵物,幾治癒brunch時間一陣就坐滿人咖啡點了一杯蘋果味,融合的很好,有用心迎合大眾口味,入口很驚喜 (不懂品嘗酸酸怪怪味咖啡)三明治很大一就,兩個女孩子一package已經差不多夠⋯⋯好像又點了全日早餐,出品很驚喜,好像跟某羊差不多甚至好一點。店裡有個榻榻米區域,貓貓在那裡比較自在服務生態度也很好,喜歡小東西不錯的週末體驗 繼續閱讀
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~**一浪總匯吐司 $83**~材料豐富,特別係雞腿,超嫩滑,完全唔似平時啲餐廳嘅雞胸咁鞋口,而且加左薄薄一層花生醬,好似吐司有呢個配搭,少少咸口幾特別又幾開胃。餡料豐富,所以整體份量頗大。~**Iced latte $42**~凍latte加左冰都好濃,十分出色。初訪呢間位於大角咀嘅cafe,除左環境舒適同食物高質外,更令我印象深刻嘅係店員親切有禮嘅服務態度,門口都有寵物友善嘅空間,下次都一定會再嚟。 繼續閱讀
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