港鐵北角站 B1 出口, 步行約2分鐘 繼續閱讀
所有分店 (1)
11:00 - 22:00
11:00 - 22:00
現金 八達通
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食評 (45)
等級4 2023-08-30
706 瀏覽
五十嵐是一家風格簡約的平民式平價日本餐廳,致力於提供道地的日本美食,讓客人享受美食。推薦菜品: 雞扒烏冬雞扒烏冬介紹: 雞扒烏冬是和味小館的招牌料理之一。這道料理以烏冬麵搭配嫩滑的雞扒為主,經典而美味。烏冬麵的口感Q彈,搭配著清淡的高湯,讓人愛不釋口。雞扒則是用嫩雞胸肉製作,經過特殊調味醃製,烹煮後保持了肉質的鮮嫩多汁,給這道料理增添了豐富的蛋白質。餐廳的廚師們巧妙地將醬料調和,使得這碗烏冬在口味上保持了平衡,混合了淡雅的湯底和微微的醬香,令人回味無窮。這道雞扒烏冬無論是作為主菜或是小吃都非常適合,不僅價格平價,而且味道鮮美,絕對能夠讓你在和味小館享受到道地的日本美食。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2023-07-12
684 瀏覽
食過幾次,都正正常常,不過不失,唔知係咪夏天太熱,食物容易變壞同處理得唔好,今日叫左個鍋燒讚岐手打烏冬,烏冬份量比較少,都ok la, 但兩件炸雞係酸既,最後佢地有換過比我,亦都講左幾次唔好意思,但當晚返屋企就痾左兩次,雖然無肚痛,但明顯係食物質素出左問題,希望鋪頭都注意下,仲有,今日一入到間店,有一陣“up”既臭味,平時去都無,唔知點解咁大陣難聞既味..... 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2023-04-12
812 瀏覽
呢間野喺北角已經歷史悠久,相信住北角嘅人都食過好多次!有啲人話好難食,但我覺得以呢個價錢都相當抵食😂😂另外唔知係轉咗手定乜咩,而家啲店員態度好左好多!要幫佢平反下先🤣和風牛肉便當($47)味道方面,確實唔夠出邊好食調味稍為遜色咗少少但佢勝在份量夠多!份量大家可以睇吓幅圖,飯餸同菜都幾乎塞爆曬!仲要有兩粒餃子✨餐係包埋嘢飲同麵豉湯,雖然杯嘢飲甜咗少少,但整體來講都係非常滿足嘅一餐🤍如果想食平少少,又想食日式嘢,食呢間啱晒🫶🏻 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2022-12-31
686 瀏覽
Igarashi Japanese Restaurant is believed to be familiar to most people, including me, who have found its traces in many public housing estates, and now seeing it again and eating it in it really fills my heart with all kinds of feelings. I am also quite satisfied with this dining experience, it even exceeded my expectations. First of all, in terms of the restaurant environment, compared to other restaurants located in North Point, Igarashi is really narrow, and the surrounding environment is also quite noisy, because some uncles' guests are discussing enthusiastically. However, I personally think that this situation is acceptable, as I always visit during the afternoon tea time when there are more guests discussing. Besides, the interior decoration of the restaurant is very clean, and there is no common problem in restaurants such as water dripping from the air conditioner. So it is more satisfying to me. Moreover, the most important thing in a restaurant —the food. In fact, Igarashi also has a lot of food for customers to choose from, such as ramen, bento and curry in Japanese style with rice, etc. There are more choices. According to my past experience, Igarashi's ramen is more outstanding, so this time I also chose pork cartilage ramen. In terms of snacks, it also provides fried shrimp, fried oysters and fried chicken cartilage, etc. Then I ordered fried chicken cartilage. When the food arrived, I was very surprised as they all had huge portions and the ramen was of the same standard as usual, which was acceptable. But the fried chicken cartilage was really beyond my expectation, it was fried crispy and it was quite chewy. The price is also very affordable. A ramen noodle only costs around 30 dollars during the afternoon tea period, which is much cheaper than other restaurants of the same type. Lastly, I think the waiters are very enthusiastic and willing to answer some of my questions, so I think this dining experience is very comfortable. Therefore, I am also very satisfied. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
《五十嵐》這一個名字,已經聽左好多年了。昔日,去到公共屋邨商場,好大機會都會遇到這基本上主打基層市民生意的日本餐廳。後來,時代變了,屋邨商場大 upgrade,《五十嵐》好像突然消失了一樣。不過,近來來到北角返工,再加上朋友告知,新都城大廈商場內仲有一間《五十嵐》啊。我不入《五十嵐》,大把人入《五十嵐》,來了兩次,這店都是高朋滿座的啊,值得介紹一下。那天來,我看中了蒲燒鰻魚飯。一片仔鰻魚,多多的菜,只收 $55 一客,的確可以經濟實惠地滿足要食日本菜的心理。一片仔鰻魚,香口嫩滑,醬味濃郁,伴入飯中更顯味道甜美。這一個鰻魚飯多菜,對我這些出到街比較多食肉既人來說,突然來了一份多菜少肉既飯,OK 架。改日來,我點了一份滑蛋豬扒飯。絕非薄切的吉列豬扒,夠口感也夠香,金黃色的滑蛋汁配上半熟的洋蔥,立即令到這一個飯更加之香口。整個飯的味道可以說是濃濃烈烈,性價比甚高的啊。兩次來的飲品都是跟餐不用另加錢的凍柑桔檸蜜。餐廳的指定特飲,不過不失。我視其為一杯大熱天時消暑飲料,感覺都可以既。來了兩次,的確是我不入《五十嵐》,大把人入《五十嵐》。食物質素,應該就是將貨就價啦。高朋滿座的原因,就是平兼唔會唔好食。這《五十嵐》好受長者、學生同那些剛接了小朋友放學的媽媽及工人姐姐歡迎架。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)