港鐵佐敦站 C1 出口, 步行約1分鐘 繼續閱讀
所有分店 (5)
00:00 - 23:45
07:30 - 00:00
07:30 - 14:00
00:00 - 23:45
00:00 - 23:45
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食評 (55)
My friends know that I love to cook, and have been reading many cookbooks over the years. One of my favourite cookbooks has many details on how to prepare the proper marinade to make traditional Cantonese cuisines, written by Chef Philip Chan. Knowing that he is working for Heyday Cuisine Group now, we come today to their branch on 3/F JD Mall at Jordan to try it out.The restaurant is of a decent size, and apart from the main dining area there are a number of private rooms on both sides. The décor is decent, with a more contemporary design, but there is still a large fish tank at one corner displaying many lively lobster, garoupa, and other seafood. After settling down at our table, we go through the menu to see what is on offer.There are many choices, but we come here to try Chef Chan’s specialty, so one of the picks obviously is the char siu. Interestingly, there are two on the menu. After checking with the staff, we go for the leaner 蜜餞一字叉燒 ($168), along with two other dishes 招牌脆趣有米蝦兵蟹將 ($528) and 蟲草花雲耳蒸龍躉球 ($198). The steamed giant garoupa comes first, with the fish fillet seasoned well, and the soy sauce not too salty. Quite good.When we finish ordering, the manager has shown us the live crab before taking it to the kitchen to prepare the signature deep-fried prawn and crab in crispy rice. The crab is very meaty, with the chef thoughtfully crushed the pincers and legs to make it easy to eat. The crispy rice has absorbed the crab flavours so it is also good in taste. Customers also can determine the number of prawns included ($20 each). Not to be missed for crab lover.The final one to arrive is the char siu, which is a surprise as generally this will come pretty early. But knowing then that they are freshly roasted, already raised my expectation to another level, and it certainly delivers also. The pork meat is tender and has a small amount of fat, not completely lean, with the honey glaze on the surface a glistering temptation. The taste is so delicious, thanks to the different components of the marinade. One of the best char siu I have for a while.The staff here are friendly and helpful in answering my questions, offering us the complimentary sweet potato soup for dessert as well. The bill on the night is $1,082. I heard that Chef Chan will make the roasted duck himself and perhaps with a bigger group next time we should try that also, to once again enjoy the magic he weaves in marinating and preparing roasted meat. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
佐敦創新中國風味粤菜館 - 凱日精品粤菜館凱日精品粵菜館採取雙主廚的模式,為凱日精品粤菜館特别設計的精選菜式融合了東南亞世界各地及具有中國地方特色的烹飪技法和擺盤方式。CK跟同學們一早就想來試試是不是真有這麼好吃了 ! 凱日精品粤菜館位於佐敦薈三樓,提供各式精緻粵菜,並行經典又不失創新,目標延續粤菜經典傳承的同時開拓新式珍餚。凱日精品粤菜館裝修都是奉行中式時尚典雅風格。客人更可在落地玻璃下,坐擁自然光線,品嚐一系列美味粵菜。想擁有更私密的空間談天,凱日精品粤菜館都能照顧不同需要。場內設計有 3 個卡位包廂可容納 2-6 人,另有 4 間屏風間房可坐 4-12 人,VIP 房方面特設 1 間細房可容納 6-8人,3 間 12 人房以及 1 間可容納 36 人以上的大房,大的還可以唱卡拉 OK。宴會則可容納 20 席 12 人圍檯。如此貼心的格局、別緻室內裝潢、高椅背座椅,重現了粵菜餐廳的優雅氛圍和愜意細膩,也非常適合家庭、朋友及團隊聚餐。凱日精品粤菜館選用上乘的材料,設計創意特色菜單,一展粤菜美食風采。藉憑經驗豐富的出品團隊、包羅萬象的傳統功夫粤菜,奉行三大堅持:堅持不斷創新、堅持一直用心、堅持優質食材,每一道菜式都是精工細作的佳餚,精緻粤菜盡顯地道本味。這次CK跟同學們一行16人點了很多菜,不一一詳細介紹了,不過重點推介幾個我喜愛的必點菜式吧 : 脆皮燒鵝皇﹑鳳梨咕嚕黑豚肉﹑鎮江水晶餚肉。凱日精品粤菜館地址 : 佐敦彌敦道233-239號佐敦薈3樓訂座電話 : 26260060營業時間 : 星期一至日 0730-2400 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-11-12
226 瀏覽
星期日(27/10/2024)放假去購物,路過佐敦道,望過對面,見到佐敦薈有酒樓,便上去飲茶。下午一點多到,唔駛等位。碧綠鮮蝦腸~三條腸粉都有好多隻蝦,蝦都算大隻,爽口。鮮蝦燒賣皇~好大粒,幾好食。黑芝麻馬蹄糕~有齊黑芝麻及馬蹄味,馬蹄好有咬口。金勾鹹水角,熱辣辣,脆卜卜。水晶蝦餃皇,個樣一睇就吸引,四隻都好大隻,餡料足。金銀臘腸皇,有別其他店的白雪雪既臘腸卷,個樣幾得意,餡料有潤腸及臘腸,唔肥膩。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2024-11-03
241 瀏覽
點了四籠點心和一碗燒腩仔飯,點心有蝦餃、陳皮牛肉球、四寶滑雞扎和抹茶脆皮叉燒包。落單後坐了40分鐘,只食了燒腩仔飯和蝦餃,心諗蒸點心是需要時間處理,加上酒樓滿座,等是可以接受的,怎知40分鐘後來了雪山叉燒包,綠色變了白色,拒絕接收,上菜阿姐說沒有綠色,一直只有白色。及後高級的入嚟,講多兩句說綠色賣晒,只有白色,價錢一樣,食客都好喜歡,我們堅持取消,高級的一句唔好意思都沒有。及後,我拎張單去櫃枱打單,想了解是否落漏單,沒有喎,我問等45分鐘是否正常,部長就說現在去廚房取,我行返入房有送點心車泊在門口,部長就,點心到啦!怎知,不是我的,見他向廚房方向行,我就倒數5分鐘,冇點心到就走,結果,5分鐘就出去埋單。部長都在,我要求免茶錢,沒有,唔好意思呢句都沒有!凱日飲食集團賣廣告說到自己多好,待客之道有多好,全是空談,一句道歉原來是這麼難!香港飲食業荒涼,就敗在這家酒樓的職員手上!同房另一枱10人,比我遲來,點心源源不絕地上枱,我認為可能我點的較需時,故耐心等候40分鐘才到櫃面打單查看。我也不想相信,酒樓部長對我這個顧客的遭遇漠不關心,連「唔好意思」這四個字都沒有講過,收銀員更劃清界線,什麼提問也一概回覆「不清楚」、「不知道」!如果我是遊客,於社交平台寫得更激動吧!如果這只是一間獨立酒樓,我會寫得個別一些,然而,這酒樓屬於一個飲食集團,集團有自己的制度,作為僱員不去捍衛自己公司,我要將他們的服務態度以正視聽。燒腩仔飯:欣賞燒腩仔皮是脆的,不會太咸,份量亦非常足夠,只欠缺溫度,試過其他酒樓的燒腩仔上枱是熱的。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2024-09-05
1142 瀏覽
上星期約朋友茶聚,佢地下午茶兩點开始,我哋1:30入席,錯過咗優惠!點心一般廿多元一碟,腸粉就貴多啲,但係叫叉燒腸係原片叉燒薄切,幾足料!點心都幾好味,甜品黑芝麻馬蹄糕有驚喜,推薦一試!茶位每人$12,略貴,但茶味都濃嘅! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)