11:00 - 22:30
11:00 - 22:30
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食評 (9)
呢度附近好多穆斯林,成就咗呢度附近有好多印度菜,呢間係相對大,同裝修得靚靚仔仔嘅店,選擇亦相對豐富,有白飯/炒飯🍛、沙律🥗、印度薄餅naan🫓、wraps🌯、漢堡🍔、pizza🍕,可適合一大班人多種口味選擇。中午有lunch set $69包汽水,可揀naan/飯。喺呢區算係相對貴啲嘅選擇了。建議一大班人嗌幾個lunch set,然後加多幾個naan薄餅share,因為啲咖喱汁夠送多幾塊薄餅,同事們食完都仲有剩。// Fish Curry意外地啲魚,處理得不錯!雖然係普通冰鮮鱈魚柳,不過食得出佢有足夠解凍時間,冇雪味、冇腥味,輕微炸過先放入咖喱中。其實用鱈魚柳都有好處,就係肯定啲魚冇骨!啲咖喱完全唔辣,勁好送薄餅。啲印度薄餅naan,係即搓即整,聽到廚房喺度撻、搓嘅聲音,仲見到廚房係印度人主理。送到上嚟啲薄餅都係熱辣辣,中間有一層層,唔油膩,超級鬆軟!!!必定Anchor!中午一點時分店外,超多穆斯林聚集,似喺附近樓上聚會完其中都有一位入嚟食,叫咗羊肉炒飯,見評語話係最好食嘅羊肉炒飯,下次要來試試! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2024-08-08
261 瀏覽
有一次係open rice發現呢間餐廳,見相片食物幾吸引就叫咗雞肉炒飯嘅外賣,試過之後發現香料的香味豐富,飯粒粒分明。由於太驚艷,所以今日放工之後再親自嚟食,而今次就叫咗羊肉炒飯。到檯之後香氣十足,所以都唔記得先影相就食咗。值得再次幫襯。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-05-12
471 瀏覽
This time this Karachi is not located in Pakistan but in a residential district of Hong Kong where the transportation is not that convenient. But that gives me a feeling of indie, quiet and interesting. This restaurant is clean & tidy.Chicken Biryani w/salad $65I don't eat cucumber. I appreciated that the owner allows me to replace it by tomato . Biryani, of course tastes good, so does the Chana Masala!Chana Masala $65Mango Lassi $30 is recommended as it doesn't taste that sweet.  (good to me)Chicken Tikka Biryani $75The Tikka chicken is a bit dry so the normal one is better. Maybe that's the reason why the normal chicken biryani has a chef 'star' icon.Masala Tea $18 is so ‘‘Masala’’ =)Lamb Saagwala $79This one is soso, the curry is a bit weak and naan (side order) is also normal . Perhaps choosing a bit spicy is better.Overall, I think this is the Pakistan style of curry which maybe a bit different from Indian curry. Now, I know how to choose the right dishes to order for next time.Price is relatively reasonable.Must support this kind of indie curry restaurant!I should come regularly whenever I want to havABite on some lentils curry or Biryani. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2024-04-30
357 瀏覽
葵涌青山公路葵涌段一帶又唔少小店餐館, 除了茶餐廳外, 亦有其他亞洲美食例如雲南米線, 泰國菜及韓式炸雞, 但其實這個區域亦係不少南亞裔的聚居地, 擁有三間巴基斯坦餐館, 今日想介紹是位於屏麗徑近巴士站既卡拉奇 Karachi Have A Bite.最初光顧卡拉奇主要都係食佢地既卡巴卷, 但後來發現佢地嘅 Biryani 及咖喱同樣出色, 特别是 Biryani, 我比較過其他巴基斯坦/印度餐館, 我敢講卡拉奇既 Biryani 絕對是 5 星級, 上到枱熱辣辣, 相比起其他我覺得佢地落足香料, 亦跟埋沙律, 正到震撼!至於咖喱, 主要都是 standard curry, 菠菜羊/雞, 或者 masala, 亦當然有素食, 如閣下食得辣, 謹記落餐時提老闆要辣啲, 最辣可以去到 Vindaloo 級數 yeaaaaah🔥🔥🔥 如果無提及, 個人口味認為會相對普通, 但都惹味, 最緊要係唔會覺得鹹。至於其他食品, 亦有 tandoori chicken, 咖喱角, salad, pizza 等等, 環境座位亦十分舒適,風格有點似某間中東連鎖店, 但卡拉奇嘅價位就理想得多。唔少旺區好多時都難以容納這種另類/小眾食品, 若果想尋求不同類型食物及正宗口味, 絕對可試卡拉奇, 絕對值得支持這類高質素小店 👍🏻 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2022-07-23
1495 瀏覽
食過好多間南亞野我夠膽講呢度嘅羊肉炒飯係最好食嘅好多羊肉炒飯都會炒到好dry 但係呢間唔會 食落非常順口 但係又唔會油膩香料嘅氣味恰到好處 唔會太濃配埋沙律菜同mint sause 係非常好食羊肉就不過不失 4,5舊有啲淋有啲夠韌 65蚊非常抵食I would say the lamb biriyani is the best in Hong Kong, because of its flavor, texture and of cause itd price, highly recommended 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)