是日正值午飯時間,在灣仔區大部份食店都大排長龍, 看到這裏的粉面店有位,而且有本人喜愛的碎肉蠔仔粥, 所以便不作他選, 即時座下來。基本上這裏是一間普普通通的茶餐廳,座下來便即時點了一碗碎肉蠔仔粥。蠔仔粥是相當大碗,可惜蠔仔的份量是也相當小,整碗蠔仔粥只是湯水和粥,似乎是有偷工減料,湯底味道只是一般,蠔仔也不算肥美,粥方面都算好味。
This place has been opened for quite a while but I have never intended to dine there.I only dined here because the place was empty and I was too lazy to go elsewhere.As well as Wan Chai, they have branches in Shau Kei Wan.Surprisingly the menu has English!The sugar sachets were contained in a sugar lump container which was kind of funny.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Soup:The soup came with the rice and the seaweed was quite clean because there was no sand in it.It was topped with crushed fried garlic and chopped parsley which gave it some smoky and grassy taste to the soup.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Ox's stomach with rice:I chose rice because noodles are not filling.Basically the rice had some tasteless sauce poured on top which made the rice wet.The ox's stomach was tasteless as well, but after I used the soy sauce and chili oil, it enhanced the rice and ox's stomach and made it more delectable.Overall, the food was ok, but I did not like the soggy rice so only had half of it which was a waste and I wish they had metal spoons because I can't eat with those weird shaped spoons.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★◎ⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓖⓘⓡⓛ◎Price: $33Service: OKYummy factor: okNapkins provided: noNoise levels: NoisyGlass of water provided: NoEnglish Menu: YesAir Conditioning: Yes◎ⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓖⓘⓡⓛ◎
夜晚十點半放工行去大友商場嗰頭搵嘢食,見到呢間舖仲燈光火著於是入去試吓。 樓面得一位阿姐,佢忙於攪手機叫咗三次至過嚟落單。見舖名有潮洲粉麵呢幾隻字所以叫咗蠔仔肉碎米粉($35)、四寶麵 ($32)、加$5要油菜。約幾分鐘後食物到,望一望碗米粉得七、八成滿,夾落湯多米粉少,料唔多蠔仔好細粒肉碎無乜而方魚得兩粒,最多係葱同唐芹,但係毫無芹菜味,湯更加無色無味。 朋友碗四寶麵好似睇落好少少,有兩粒豬肉丸、兩粒貢丸、兩舊魚扎、一粒魚餃,全部都好大舊,但係唔知點解會無魚旦或魚片或墨丸! 麵都係少而湯都係無味, 魚餃ok,貢丸、肉丸都似外來貨重調味好實,魚扎最差好腥裡面得兩條幼幼嘅發黃西芹,食完啲丸仲好喉乾! 碟菜$5應該對佢無要求,但就係咁簡單可整到啲芥蘭俾梘水拿到咬落淋晒毫無質感,嘥晒啲食材! 做食肆食物要用良心經營,否則食客一次無回頭。