07:00 - 18:00
07:00 - 18:00
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食評 (11)
等級1 2024-07-22
249 瀏覽
以前覺得這間餐廳有人情味, 就算地方唔算大, 都比客人多少空間坐得舒服. 最近的經驗是, 老闆員工都要所有人坐的密麻麻, 兩個人打對坐一張頂多3人坐既枱, 再要逼多兩個人過來, 真係好逼. 其他收費差不多位於閙市既茶記好似都唔會否這樣做. 食物只是一般. 考慮環境, 態度, 食物, 價錢等因素, 我認爲CP值唔高. 如果有其它選擇, 唔會揀依間茶記, 食得較辛苦.   繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-03-03
510 瀏覽
就係港式茶餐廳,茶餐廳嘅早餐,40幾蚊可以接受呀,有個雪菜肉絲米、炒蛋多士同飲品,同埋啲員工都會同啲客傾吓計,唔會話食完就做啲嘢趕你走,入到去時又會問你坐呢冰好唔好,呢間我應該會再去😊 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2024-01-01
641 瀏覽
好多間食開既都冇開就過黎試下見門面幾光先 諗住應該都冇伏未坐低左頭同你講 兩個人坐埋一邊 「但間鋪得五成滿」。OK 我明老茶係咁既。我地兩個人叫左兩個餐,但老闆定唔知資深員工。A餐通粉又記唔住,飲品又記唔住,我提佢少甜 重要串我一句話呢度糖奶自己落。OK又當我新黎唔知。到野飲黎喇,我就自己加糖奶,加完放低唔夠半分鐘佢就問我重要唔要。你間餐廳咩事糖奶都趕住收?我唔出聲佢就直接攞走埋。到野食黎,首先通粉湯底冇味,叉燒完全唔腍,另一份係沙爹牛面,冇沙爹味面又腍到爛咁。咸牛肉蛋就應該成本好貴 近乎食唔到咸牛肉味。最後當然,野都未食哂就問你幾次可以收未,食到半路中途飲品放過少少界就「幫」你放返去你個邊再好似有毒咁抹枱,但由始至終我對面都冇人坐。到畀錢,明明冇人都要我等,因為佢忙住收未食哂既食客既碗碟。呢種餐廳又貴又趕客「以為自己澳牛」,真係一次都唔會再黎。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2023-06-29
1011 瀏覽
週末早餐時間路過見不用排隊一於坐低試吓。早餐C羅宋湯牛腩通粉配火腿太陽蛋齋多士羅宋湯賣相唔錯,不過入口湯頭有點杰撻撻,所謂的牛腩只係得3 粒。。。而且係煮到變成左湯渣果種!通粉用水烚到過晒火喉,而且明顯係用水長時間烚完嘅通粉收到單之後放入碗內再放啲羅宋湯落去撈埋一齊俾你食果種快餐式做法。。。真心試過一啦次就算了。。。反而隻煎太陽蛋要讚一讃,完全做到小油而且小小燶邊!塊煎火腿同齋多士合格。港式奶茶(飲咗兩啖先記得影相)合格綜合嚟講作為一個街坊早餐賣$46蚊應該有$10 蚊係跑馬地地段增值錢,呢度啲食物完全會令你食得飽但絕對唔會有再想幫襯嘅衝動。。。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
同芯冰室 (English name: Date Cafe) is a new cha chan teng that opened in my neighbourhood in recent months. As it was the weekend, we decided to have a quick lunch nearby before heading off. We thought to give this place a try and it wasn't particularly busy.The restaurant isn't too big but it didn't feel cramped when we sat down.Menu is in English and Chinese. There is no 10% service charge and you pay on your way out. They have various sets that include a drink. Lunch sets include a Hong Kong style borscht soup.We were here during lunch time so we ordered lunch sets. We were provided with big bowls of borscht soup. Not only was it large in size but it was packed with stuff! Lots of vegetables and chunks of beef. Lots of flavour and a bit spicy.I had the Baked Pork Chop Rice with Tomato and Cheese ($68). It was served in a really big but baking dish and was definitely enough for two people to share. The cheese was nicely melted. The pork chop was moist and tender. The tomato sauce was a bit more sour than most places and there was plenty of it. I also liked the rice was fried with egg before baking. Many places seem to slack off in that department now.Boyfriend had the Fried Shrimp Balls with Egg on Onion and Soysauce with Rice ($68). Served in a bowl, this was really good. There were several large plump fresh shrimp on top. The eggs were not over cooked and still soft and fluffy.  A good amount of spring onions completed it.Decent portion sizes and the food tasted pretty good. Service was nice and the place was clean. A good addition to the neighbourhood. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)