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食評 (8)
等級4 2016-10-02
1294 瀏覽
今日同朋友去圓方睇完戲, 之後周圍睇下有咩食, 行行下就入左黎FOODCOURT, 都有幾間餐廳既, 不過想食下日式野, 於是就搵個位坐下來試一試吧朋友先去購票, 我就坐係到等, 望見廚房裹的姐姐很用心去煮, 感覺良好哈哈, 等左一陣, 先黎一個日式滑蛋雞扒飯, UM.........好似同相差好遠, 雖然相片只供參考, 但.......好似賣相.....真係遲左D......味道都係普通...唔夠香...雞扒好似白拾咁....真係有D失望哈哈...好彩呢個醬汁牛肉飯可以彌補到我心靈上既失望呢個好食好多, 一上枱已經聞到好香醬汁味, 而且牛肉既份量亦算多, 我朋友亦情不自禁左我個D黎撈埋佢D飯一齊食 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2015-09-07
1361 瀏覽
I’ve always liked going to Elements, it’s not as packed with people as most malls, but still, they have quite a selection of nice restaurants. From traditional Chinese food, other Asian cuisines like Jap and Viet, to an array of Western like casual fries or pizzas, steak house and even happy hour/ bars. Unfortunately we only had like 45 minutes before the movie starts, so we went straight to the food court inside 360 grocery story for a quick bite.There was a few selections within 360 as well, they have pizzas and sandwiches, burgers and fries; I was craving Asian food so I went for the Japanese food counter. As I got closer to the counter, there was this warming home cooked food smell that was really comforting. Not much ambience here, just about a dozen chairs surrounding the clean and organized open kitchen, you can see your dish being prepared!Since I love eggs, one of my go-to dishes is oyakodon, and they made it so nicely. Eggs on top were perfectly soft and juicy, it was cooked to my idea of perfection: not fully cooked so it’s runny, but not undercooked to the point which I can see uncooked egg whites! The rice was very hot, which is great! There were enough eggs and sauce to mix the rice in, making the whole bowl very flavorful, I liked it a lot!Other yummy dish was the beef bulgogi, it was a set meal which came with rice, coleslaw and miso soup. The coleslaw wasn’t cold enough, it was just a little cooler than room temp; miso soup was the standard kind but still yummy; rice was very hot and soft just liked oyakodon, But most importantly was the beef, the beef wasn’t the most tender, I think it was a bit overcooked, but it was soooo rich in that bulgogi flavor! It came with enough juice that you can mix in with the rice and it was just delicious!It was a very satisfying meal with a great value! Honestly I was not expecting such good quality fast food hidden away in a grocery store; I know where to go now for a quick and cheap fix for my Jap rice bowl cravings. 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2015-04-06
954 瀏覽
是晚睇戲,一收工就就近去佐Three Sixty 食拉麵方便睇戲,相比起味千拉麵呢間會好食得多,湯底我地選佐豬骨湯,湯底不錯味道都够濃郁,另外又叫了兩個小食,炸雞還可以,小丸子個人覺得一般,唔知係咪食拉麵飽了導致小丸子食兩粒就唔想食了,拉麵份量都算多,概括黎講方便快捷之余味道又不差, 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2014-07-20
724 瀏覽
This place mainly serves ramen, the taste is ok - a quick fix when you get hungry in elements, but nothing worth a detour. Noodles are good (in particular the udon), soup base is ok, but could have more flavor. Generally the food is a bit more oily than most other Japanese fast foods, especially the fried beef. Quite expensive for the quality, but that's normal in Element. Waiting times can be quite long. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
星期六難得的不用上班,與朋友即興到佐敦官涌體育館打波,打完波大概是下午二時多。家住荔景的我自私地建議到圓方吃午餐,一來是因為方便到九龍站乘地鐵回家,二來是想借機會去光顧Holly Brown吃意大利雪糕。其實早已想到圓方這種高級商場的食肆一定不會便宜,本來我也打算建議到大快活的,但友人即提議再走走看看才決定,於是我們唯有在圓方再四處逛逛去覓食。本來想去丼丼屋的,但發覺這兒的丼丼屋比其他地點的價錢昂貴,不化算。後來,我想起在Three Sixty內有類似food court的地方,心想價錢應該不會太貴,於是建議與友人在那兒用餐。這兒都是開放式廚房和吧枱式的設計,我們看過餐牌覺得價錢可以接受,所以就這樣的決定在此開餐。這裡採用自助式的購餐方式,先到收銀處點餐,然後會收到一張號碼紙,找個位子坐下來靜心等候店員叫自己的號碼。在開放的廚房,可以看到員工準備自己所點的食物,她們分工仔細,有人負責把沙律菜放入碗,有人負責煮麵,有人負責炸豬扒等等。大概等了五分鐘,我們的食物都準備好了,店員會大叫號碼,只要回應一聲,店員就會把餐奉到閣下的枱上。朋友點的是吉列豬扒定食,有一大件炸吉列豬扒、一小碗沙律、一碗味噌湯和一碗白飯。我偷偷嚐了一口沙律,椰菜絲新鮮爽脆,配上少許沙律汁,是個健康開胃的前菜。我點的是咖喱吉列豬扒湯烏冬,其實話說回來,我付款後已有一種後悔感覺。我總是不明白為何會有這種吉列豬扒湯麵或烏冬的,把炸了酥脆的吉列豬扒放在湯麵上是一種浪費,那脆皮在放湯後浸至又溶又稔,一點也不討好。選這個咖喱吉列豬扒湯烏冬,其實只是因為沒有甚麼肉類可以選擇,加上我想吃日式咖喱,就促成了這次錯誤決定。烏冬湯底是我所討厭的奶白色豬骨湯,但其實湯底並沒有豬骨湯味,有點像水一般。就襯吉列豬扒未有被浸稔時先趕緊試試,吉列的炸皮很厚,有點過硬。豬扒肉質尚算嬾滑,但沒有肉味,簡直讓人大失所望。咖喱是日本咖喱,一點也不辣,是甜的,咖喱有薯仔和紅蘿蔔粒,炆煮至稔身入味,算是不過不失。至於這個主角烏冬,是最失敗的地方,烏冬是最便宜的烏冬,被煮至稔身,沒有嚼感,一吃便知是港式的劣質烏冬,我很勉強才吃了半碗烏冬。這種質素,我難以想像這店可以立足在高檔商場圓方之內,食物質素差劣,店又坐得不舒服,最令我不憤的是這樣的食物環境竟要收我$70。是否因為這種速食店格局就可以妄顧食物品質?要花這樣的七十元,早知我寧可加點錢去吃較有質素的食物。 繼續閱讀
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