07:30 - 15:30
07:30 - 15:30
07:30 - 23:30
07:30 - 23:30
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
星期六朝早,與女友玩完迪欣湖.下晝到廸廸尼Holly Wood酒店吃下午茶.牛角包非常好味,値得一試.义燒包都還好,够大.最值得一提,下午茶時段只需$12一杯咖啡.都幾好,不過唔似港式茶餐廳咖啡.2人只用咗$58,
在旅行團買了package跟嫲嫲入住荷里活酒店包兩日的門票加上嫲嫲攰所以第一天很早回酒店休息大家都有小小肚餓所以去了快餐店醫肚可能七點時間尚早店裏沒乜人於是點了荷里活特式三文治同咖喱海鮮飯share 食三文治是特別的十分足料是一個凍房的公司三文治至於咖喱飯汁少了一點有點乾南瓜湯倒是有點杰可能香港人不是太習慣在取餐的過程中跟男待應有些誤會我覺得他可以禮貌一點客氣些嫲嫲話果le cueset 的兜好靚其實我都覺現在唯有期待明天的corner cafe 😬
When you go to a theme park, there's always the expectation that you're going to pay more for everything. One accepts that, in the same way they accept the accommodation isn't great value. After all, you do pay for the experience and my kids love this place, and I love the art deco old school Disney thing going on.However, poor value doesn't need to reflect poor food. However, in this case it does.Mrs Beef Brisket purchased a Hong Kong Style Breakfast (thought having been to HK before, I haven't ever seen one quite like this). Really dodgy spam, noodles in a flavourless broth and one lone (but adequate tasting) chicken wing with a couple of eggs that she didn't mind.I finished off the noodles for her.I ordered Pork Buns. Really bland things - I could have purchased something better at a Bread Top or Canto-bakery shop in Australia that was ten times better.Kids ordered muffins and banana bread. Muffins were a 1-1 split on likes/okays and the banana bread was liked well by little western kiddies.I suppose, I would like to give this as feedback for other openricers but also to Disney in HK. This food is clearly dumbed down. It isn't a patch on what you can get in a mum n dad shops in Kowloon or HKI. I'm not sure who they are appealing to - if it's to Western palates, it certainly isn't my Western palate, nor my wife's. Please, I can handling the higher than average cost of food - but it's the bland, insipididty of the food that really irks me. If I wanted to go to an Asian restaurant for dumbed down food, there's a number of Bowls Clubs and RSLs that do food at least as dumbed down and "westernised", and a lot tastier.Employ a little old dumpling man and teach your cooks how to do it well. If I got this in Australia, I'd ask for a refund.
第一次來這裏朱軟骨麵好味有咬口朱骨湯底也肯正宗朱扒飯也十分出色朱扒芝士配菜的份量超多汁底也夠厚同酸酸甜甜相反tiramise 比較實可能我吃唔慣仲有感謝樓面Li 同Kezaf的幫助她們很有耐性