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正宗灌湯餃 企鵝雞 杬仁馬拉糕 菊花脆蛋散 噴火醬燒骨 爆醬鯪魚
食評 (39)
等級3 2013-12-08
1050 瀏覽
上環小杬公做到星期日,有人話佢裝修,有人話佢唔做;但相信廚工味道同九龍店會有分別!於是就要來,必試手抓豬新鮮熱辣夠大件,每檯每人均手執一件啖啖肉,同企鵝雞,皮脆肉嫩,不怕的皮才是精髓~鮮製蜆芥鯪魚球,又係熱辣辣,鯪魚肉塞滿小球內,配上蜆芥,滋味無窮~最重要係蓮茸西米焗布甸,爽滑香甜,令人回味,無得輸!今晚唯一輸的啫啫芥蘭煲,份量之小,幾好味都假! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2013-11-23
514 瀏覽
這晚到來這店食飯,原因是受同事所託,因有贊助商宴請食大閘蟹,故要找一家信得過又好食的飯店代蒸大閘蟹,由於穩陣起見,就來這店找老友杜小姐幫忙,寫的菜大部份都是以前食過、有信心的菜式, 因而原本也不打算再寫以免重覆,可是當我食到這味原條立魚炒球時,不免驚嘆師傅的功夫,更特別為這道菜寫了這篇食評。這菜在菜單上看,初時誤以為是魚,但搞清楚了是一條直立的石斑魚,師傅將石斑起肉炒球,餘下的魚頭連身主骨及至魚尾上粉炸,初時食這菜時,還以為只食炒球,因石斑炒球入口肉嫩滑,味鮮甜,已是一道上等佳餚,當我們食至差不多時,待應將炸好立直的魚身收起,說會剪開供品嚐佐酒時,已感到應該是另一風味,結果這魚骨帶有餘下的魚肉,經師傅炸好後,再剪細佐酒,入口香脆,肉嫩香甜,成了另一獨特風味,真正做到兩個完全不同風格的一魚兩吃。另外這晚初嚐此店的臘味飯,臘味也不錯,潤臘非常香,臘鴨不過肥也不太咸非常惹味,飯也㷛得粒粒蝦仔米,非常綿軟,真一流,結果同事們都一致讚賞,我也幸好不負所托,否則真不知如何面對各同事的信任了。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2013-11-02
300 瀏覽
今日我地一行11人星期五放工後去左上環食呢間餐廳,一去到話冇我地的BOOKING!! 一早打過來BOOK, 仲要訂左一D野食喎! 好彩我地都叫去得早 (7:00), 都仲安排得到位.... 我地坐低後叫左一個夠6人食的4人餐,另外仲要左一隻手抓豬同另加幾個小菜同西米布甸,11人(2男9女)來說應該努力的話都食得哂呢間野係行會員制,但不是會員都可以食,只係行會員制就有一些不公平事出現一早(7:00)落左order 要2份燉湯(一份約6-7碗,我地11個人,個短髮女侍應話唔夠分,要2份先夠),咁好喇,湯可以飲多少少的,所以加多一份$188的燉湯(已落單,中間都confirm過幾次有湯的)!如是者到7:30我地人齊可上,個女侍應走來話冇左一份,提議我轉個餐的燉湯做2份(共約12-14碗)$88一份的例湯, 再另外要一份$188的燉湯! 先唔講佢係唔係俾左份湯俾其他客,但,佢真係揾我笨喎,咁即係要我用$88x2 的價值的湯代替個$188的燉湯?仲要一共有近20碗湯!好彩我冇上當, 我話唔要,我只要個餐本來的湯! 佢又係咁話我地唔夠飲,係要逼我用佢個建議... 結果我地唔要個另加的湯,佢又話落左單唔cancel得,只可改其他野!結果改左要一個$88的例湯 唉,漏單同逼我地食快d(未得哂已經話要收走)同部份食物唔熱(如馬拉糕)的事都唔想再提了食物方面質素是OK的, 雖然是比上幾次去食的退步了, 但還是不錯的, 由於一開始就俾人影響左心情, 都冇咩影相, 只係有一些在被不公平對待之前影的相我地叫左呢個餐, 個燉湯係值$188的, 係幾抵食的; 另外仲要左出名的手抓豬, 就係下面2張相的:  另外, 呢隻係出名的企鵝雞, 其實同炸子雞差不多, 不過比較滑~ 幾好味呢~  繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
上環干諾道中133號誠信大廈1樓先來個靚湯喝喝,湯甜得像花膠湯到看了湯渣, 先知是雞腳及豬肉為何湯是奶白的呢?? 好似是要預訂的足料好飲呀~~手撕乳豬, 每人一對膠手套為的就是要英雄的豪邁用手抓來吃的一道菜, 這是要預早訂的戴著手套吃, 名字叫手撕, 其實上台時已切好一件件了不用沾任何的醬料, 原汁原味的呈獻皮燒得很鬆化也不肥膩豉油皇煎大蝦$55 一隻的蝦~極品來啦每一隻也有手掌大, 已是很少見也不易買到蝦頭帶有蝦膏也很入味連蝦殼的汁也不要浪費,好味到要啜手指把白鬍子伯伯的炸雞口號來形容很貼切雖然$55一隻, 但吃過方知物有所值不吃可是會後悔的不想同事上鏡, 所以相片經過處理一柱擎天把企鵝雞插起企鵝雞也是名物之一, 雞皮上掃了一層檸檬汁吃入口酸酸的, 只是味道一般但上桌時的哄動, 也是可以一試的蝦醬芥菜, 又是有表演看的一味菜侍應會在面前即炒, 芥菜爽口但蝦醬略鹹炸鯪魚球金黃大顆好鮮,味道適中一點雄雄烈火在燒(只是GIMMICK )錫紙包住的是甜甜的醬骨熱力令到醬骨帶有一股蕉香西米布丁,沒有太甜加有滑又富奶香的奶皇~總結:一向以為中菜都是很傳統的但店家把其他原素加入, 增加了GIMMICK也吸引到年青的客人層面光顧手撕乳豬是推薦之菜色之 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
Went to Siu Lam Kun on Aug 23. I have booked a table for 6 4 days ago. They asked me on the phone if I want to reserve their roasted pig but I did not since I was not sure what my friends wanted to eat.When I got there, the female manager took me to a very dark corner table with a moving fan on the floor next to it (probably the worse table in the restuarant.) I asked her if the other empty table are available. She said those tables were reserved for people who had reserved dishes already. I was very annoyed with the table and talked/shouted to the other male manager talking him this is very birthday dinner and I am very upset they gave me this table. He shouted to the female manager telling her to give me a better table since I told him it was my birthday dinner. Probably over half of the restaurant heard our conversation since they all looked at us.Actually it was my 4th time having dinner there within 5 months. Everytime they gave us very bad table if it's on weekend even if the restuarant is not full since we usually do not reserve their roasted pig beforehand.This time we ordered:-Half roasted pig - Very crispy but since they have to wait for someone to cut it with scissor, the pig is cold.Sour Shirmp ball - Shrimp is ok. Again the food is cold.2 fried vege - ok. Nothing special. Portion is very small.Regular soup (vege with pork) - good. Their special soup must be reserved beforehand. Since we did not, we could only order regular soup.Deep fried minced fish and vege - Good but also cold.Actually, their dim sum for lunch is better than their dinner. Have dim sum there at least 10 times.I highly recommed their roasted pork bun, steamed cake, pudding, dumpling with soup, steamed fish head. Their standard is very high. Very full during weekday. Better to go on weekend.Frankly speakly, their food is better than a lot of restaurant on average. But their service is really bad. They seemed to prefer customer to order in advance on the phone and not order at the restuarant. The female manager gaive you black face if you think a little longer or she keeps pushing you to order their specialty.With this kind of service, I doubt if I will visit them for dinner again.I have joined their membership for HKD 30 before. For ever HKD 100 spend, they gave you a chop on a card. I got the feeling they are very reluntant to let one redeem the free dishes. The free dishes are not always available and one cannot reserve. They always refer to the saying on the card 'Final decision up to the restuarant.' They do not let you redeem week before Mother's day, Mid autumn festival etc. 繼續閱讀
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