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友人到中環置地文華東方酒店staycation,順道相約我到23樓,佔地約6200呎的Mandarin Club文華閣吃All day breakfast buffet。環境舒適、服務一流,有各種免費的酒精及無酒精飲品。😋Cocktails 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕配搭不錯,更有我最喜歡的可口可樂 www。😞麪包質素一般 🌕🌑🌑🌑🌑牛油用上我不喜歡的植物牛油🧈。😋甜品方面,😞文華餅店最有名的芝士蛋糕 🌕🌕🌗🌑🌑反而是最不美味的:有羶味,而且質感較軟身,不過比我之前外帶的正常尺寸版美味及精緻。😋瑪麗連蛋糕 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕第一次吃到美味的瑪麗連蛋糕!焦糖蜜糖皮加上香甜彈牙的蛋糕,甜度足、口感有層次。😋朱古力蛋糕 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗甜而不膩,味道十分不錯,賣相精緻。😋其他食物 🌕🌕🌕🌑🌑則味道正常,不過不失。據說下午更會有文華餅店著名、超難買的scone供應!下次再來試試!味道 🌕🌕🌕🌗🌑環境 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕服務 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕性價比 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕回頭率 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑
環境一流,服務有進步空間-文華東方酒店 StaycationFb:下一站豬欄; IG@Pig7station今次去左香港數一數二既酒店staycation, 因為慶祝生日,所以經MO website訂左入住海景套房包文華閣($66xx)入住前都有同酒店confirm details, 回覆都算快😗入住當日係平日,一落車已經有職員幫手拎行李,感覺唔錯,之後帶左去front desk check in,以為好快,就無提出去文華閣check in,點知又話房間final checking未有住,睇睇下又話有房🙄足足企左10分鐘,腳都痺🙄有別於小仙子同小🐷之前去既5⭐️酒店,都會安排去lounge check in😞扣左d分文華閣方面包Tea set, cocktails 🍸 同第2日早餐,3-layer Tea set最吸睛係scone,配signature Rose Petal Jam😋唔會太甜,rose味道突出,至於其他鹹點同甜品無咩特別😗到cocktails時間5-7pm, 酒類款式都多,送酒食物都唔算少,熱盤印度雞最好食,其他普通😅早餐方面都算多選擇,有粉麵同奄列部😂Staff都好helpfulOverall, 黎講好似Four seasons感覺較好😅
Club Statue Square View Room: HK$4160 plus 10% service charge per roomThe package includes a club room, MO lounge unlimited access, dinner and breakfast, so essentially, it is eat, eat, eat and eat. 😋The reception allows check-in as early as 1 pm,🤩 and we then head to the afternoon tea session at the lounge. The environment at the lounge is serene and quite spacious. You can enjoy the sea view there.🐚 For the tea set, there are three layers. We started with the the upper layer, and enjoy the signatory scones from MO, 🥯served with rose petal jam and clotted cream.🌹 This iconic jam is not too sweet and light rose-scented,🦋 making a great addition to the buttery scone. 🧈The second layer comprises of sandwiches.🥪 Every sandwich is unique and the ingredients involved are able to balance the taste. For example, the cucumber and chive is able to balance the strong taste of truffle and egg 🥒 whereas the lemon mayonnaise is able to increase the flavour of chicken and celery. 🍋🍗The vitello tonnato anchovy is such a delicate mix with capers and gem lettuce.🐟The third layer goes the desserts. Unlike Salisterra where the desserts are too sweet to be eaten, the level of sweetness is well-controlled. 🍰The flavour is generally quite rich in each cake. However, this layer seems to be less "wow" than the previous two layers.🍫
Finally got a chance to visit the Mandarin Club. Situated on the 23/F of the hotel, the club offers scenic view of the Victoria Harbour, Statue Square and the skyscrapers in Central.We arrived the Club at around 2pm, in which the staff guided us to a window seat and assisted us in ordering the drinks. We picked Ice Latte and Chamomile Tea.The Afternoon Tea comprises four scones, accompanied with MO's signature Rose Petal Jam, clotted cream, some bite-sized sandwiches and cakes. Honestly, the scone is undoubtedly the best in town. Perfectly baked and the rose jam is just splendid!! I even bought one jar of jam afterwards. I wish to enter the Club again someday.