港鐵佐敦站 A 出口, 步行約3分鐘 繼續閱讀
11:00 - 23:00
11:00 - 23:00
11:00 - 23:00
Visa Master AlipayHK 支付寶 現金 八達通 AE Apple Pay Google Pay 微信支付
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
食評 (19)
等級2 2024-11-30
74 瀏覽
My wife and I are just temporarily in Jordan for a few weeks while our apt in Mong Kok is being fixed. We each ordered a Pho. My wife ordered the Lemon Grass Pork Chop. I ordered the raw beef, but got the beef brisket. The Lemon Grass Pork Chop was cooked perfect and tasted amazing. My wife’s noodles were delicious and the broth was flavorful(although not the best broth I’ve had, but a good one)My Beef Brisket was chewy and extremely fatty, more so the fat wasn’t rendered so it was not tasty. My noodles and broth were both delicious. The interior was what we would call in America, “a whole in the wall”, but as we Americans know, these places can be real hidden gems.This place had really friendly service, was clean, and the food wasn’t 5 stars, but still really delicious. I also love how this is a local owned and family run restaurant. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-10-23
72 瀏覽
係附近行完街, 開openrice 見到呢間越南餐廳冇乜差評, 就入黎食la叫左個 全日餐 C . 好似好抵食咁 又有粉面, 又有雞翼串燒同春卷雞翼炸得好香,個調味做得好好, 春卷都炸得好脆 , 裡面好多餡 , 幾好食個串燒牛都唔差 , 好juicy 唔乾 本餐重點: 生牛肉河 一上枱就有陣味 , 似係啲牛, 嗰種牛味,跟住啲粉又有少少味咁 好奇怪,一啖我都食唔落 其實啲小食就ok 嘅 , 唔知點解個pho 炒哂車 真係一啖都吞唔落, 嗰陣味。。唔知係咪天氣太熱定點 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-01-07
430 瀏覽
喺佐敦地鐵站附近想食越南野隨便search 最近的一間店。細細間餐廳小店,十零個位,家庭式經營(見到店主個囡做緊功課😂)。******************************OpenRice 見唔到好多食評,本身唔係太有期望。晚餐set $70幾蚊有牛河,三隻雞翼兩條春卷,平到咁我以為自己眼花!!生牛河好食冇投訴,牛肉(依個價錢嚟講)正常質素。雞翼同春卷即炸!!春卷重要好好食,問店主原來佢係自己包,真係好有心******************************晚市坐唔滿,冇人等位。但佢咁平又好食,希望多啲人識佢,加油 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
千祈千祈千祈唔好外賣!上次外賣,一時又話無單,一時又話另一個伙記接咗,我去到佢先話即做俾我。今次再俾多次機會佢,仲衰!先係透過openrice外賣自取下單,再打電話去確認,我去到餐廳又取消我張單,要求我用現金俾正價。我本來已經網上付款無帶現金在身上,所以提出用八達通俾,又話機壞咗,門口貼有八達通支付寶微信支付的貼紙,卻話所有都唔收,只收現金,結果要我去提款再回來取餐。不能使用優惠之餘,仲製造麻煩!無下次! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2021-01-29
1650 瀏覽
Wandered here for lunch on a Friday. At 12.30pm, there were no customers in the shop, but plenty of food delivery orders on the front table already. A promising sign, that they are doing a good takeaway business.I ordered the fresh beef pho ($45), and you can add a hot drink for $3. The bowl was satisfyingly generous, and what stood out was the complexity of the broth. Strong notes of anise and cinnamon, heavy on the sugar, it had a deeply herbal aroma which went fantastically with the silky pho noodles and finely sliced beef. The bean sprouts were topped and tailed, and the onions finely sliced, which showed attention to detail. The one downside was that no thai basil was provided, only spring onion. But...I will return if only for this delicious, addictive soup. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)