BURGER KING 經典漢堡WHOPPER以明火烤製的優質牛肉,加上新鮮配料,滋味無窮. 繼續閱讀
07:00 - 21:00
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食評 (52)
等級2 2019-05-24
2294 瀏覽
今日去T2 food court 食burger king ,揀咗四號餐——煙肉雙層芝士漢堡。雖然都有幾多人排隊,但都好快就出到餐。包薯條有啲細,但個包仲細過包薯條⋯⋯成個餐得汽水個size係正常,有啲sad😞但係勁好食🥳🥳啲薯條好粗、好熱、好脆,咬開仲可以睇到入面啲薯仔。個包啲牛肉都幾厚同埋唔會乾、幾juicy;煙肉唔會太乾太硬,同時亦唔會好油。兩樣肉配咗佢啲醬汁同熱到融咗啲芝士,再夾埋個鬆軟嘅麵包真係令人一啖一啖食唔停。個餐$74其實都唔算平,真係希望份量可以多少少。雖然食完嗰個moment都叫做夠飽,但過咗幾個鐘之後就好快肚餓。下次可能要俾多$5加大先真正填得飽個大胃🤣🤣 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2019-03-19
1497 瀏覽
小子好耐都無食過漢堡王喇! 適逢今次同泡泡姐出國, 順道去嘆下漢堡王小子叫左2個3號餐+雞塊🍔雙層蘑菇芝士漢堡:小子細細已經鐘意食依個包,打開個包,見到d 芝士流出來🍟炸薯條: 薯條粗身,岩岩炸起 熱辣辣,加上小子本人甚喜愛食薯條, 加埋至愛的茄汁, 所以更覺好味🐔雞塊: 跟餐+$15/4 雞塊, 貌似麥樂雞, 但弓小子食到內裡有d薑味, 小子麻麻😖可能太耐無食喇, 今次再食, 雖然好味, 但好似唔夠以前咁正! 又或者依家越來越多漢堡店, 變相比較吧 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2018-12-20
1254 瀏覽
那天黃昏到港,搭廉航無野食, 落機搵少少野食再回家, 整個2 號大樓美食廣場客人不多, 用餐的差不多都是機場的工作人員為主, 漢堡王更是靜得... 一個客都無, 作為佢的粉絲之一, 當然拔刀相助啦, 買一個雙層華堡加芝士的套餐, 現在已經升至79蚊, 現在用的包很軟身唔知咁叫做好定唔好?! 唔知喺美國賣嘅包係咪都一樣嘞, 個人而言唔係自己杯茶囉, 兩大片跳漢堡扒,芝士/蓄茄片/生菜有齊, 幾飽肚下的, 薯條無令人失望, 係薯條本身質素高, 如果個包質素更好的話(用返些少全麥粉的話), 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2017-08-10
3174 瀏覽
My brother arrived back from China last Friday and left his iPad on the plane, the clean-up crew found it and saved it at the lost and found, but he had to go to the airport to pick it up at T2.  He went back to the airport the next day, and I decided to tag along and roam around the terminal a little.  After he picked up his iPad, we decided to grab some grub from Burger King since it's one of the only 3 BKs in Hong Kong.I ordered a whopper junior meal, and it came out to about $60!  It's more than double the price of McDonald's!The cashier told us to come back in 5 minutes for our food.For the beverage choices, they only had Coke Light and no Coke Zero.  I like Coke Zero, I'm ok with Diet Coke, but Coke Light just tastes awful to me!For my whopper junior, the beef patty was dry, the lettuce and tomato were sloppily slapped on, and the ketchup and mayonnaise had uneven coverage.  I can accept the sloppiness if it was busy, but we were one of the only few patrons at the moment. The fries were under-seasoned, and at that point, I couldn't even bother to ask for salt.I was just pointlessly reading the ketchup packet and saw that the ketchup is made in India and Halal-certified.  I guess that could be part of the reason why Burger King is so expensive.  They have to ship their ketchup in from India!It's no wonder that Burger King is an ever-failing chain in Hong Kong.  The food is expensive, yet the quality does not justify the price!  Burger King? More like a sting to the wallet! 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2017-07-27
1755 瀏覽
I could not express how much I miss you, Burger King. You are sopopular that you could be found in anywhere in the world… except Hong Kong…Therefore, I usually, when I am travelling somewhere have burger king, I musttry it. While there is usually limited edition burger which taste super good.This time, before, leaving Hong Kong, I decided to have a Whopper at this oneof the very few burger King in Hong Kong. It is located at T2. Whopper is justthe best. 繼續閱讀
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