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食評 (22)
等級4 2024-06-11
212 瀏覽
没想到dondondonki里还有买关东煮的!还是隔着800米就能闻到的香味牛肉乌冬面🍜一整个比较偏甜口,爽滑筋道的乌冬面和煸炒过的牛肉是你中有我,一口就滋润了我的舌头,不过吃多了有点腻可乐饼🥔旁边有微波炉可以加热‼️虽然我没有加热,但不妨碍味道真的很不错,酥脆的外壳包裹着超绵密的土豆泥和牛肉粒,都不敢想用微波炉加热一下得有多好吃而且真的不贵,人均50可以吃饱,不要太划算咯 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2023-06-13
894 瀏覽
#20230607 🤍#井村屋 @twinuraya 📍 各大Don Don Donki有售 @dondondonkihk➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖#菠蘿冰凍甜點 $15💭 比個菠蘿冰凍甜點呃左😣一心以為係以前街邊用菠蘿肉切片雪凍果啲菠蘿冰🍍點知係菠蘿汁雪做冰🚁失望😞.#草莓朱古力味麻糬冰凍甜品 $20💭 個草莓醬好似麥當勞早餐個果jam🍓朱古力雪糕就似平時雀巢雪糕果味🍦但加埋食原來係好似細個食一盒細細粒果隻明治三角形草莓朱古力🍫知道🐷講咩應該年紀都唔細😏幾好食,反而敗筆係個麻糬度,雪到硬晒無晒口感😔.#🐷_食 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2022-12-22
1240 瀏覽
I decided to swing by Don Don Donki while waiting for my ride to pick me up.  It's been a few months since I've been to Donki having been overseas in the past couple months.  The last time I was here, the food court level was closed for renovations, and now it's open with new options.  One of them was the Yasuda Seimai Counter, which sells rice along with onigiri prepared to order.  I was transiting through Tokyo and wondered how fresh onigiri would taste like, and here I am with a counter that makes them!  I was heading home for dinner but couldn't resist ordering!About 5 minutes later, 3 minced tuna onigiri were ready to go home with me!Minced Tuna Onigiri: I'm not exaggerating, but freshly-made onigiri is a revelation!  The seaweed was aromatic and crunchy, and the rice was so fluffy and also aromatic!  Each bite was equally flavorful and delicious!  I'll sound stupid and say it, this onigiri is miles better than the convenient store stuff, and even the onigiri kiosks are no where in comparison! This onigiri is pricier but definitely worth the $30 price tag!I'm definitely coming back in the future and ordering the various onigiri on the menu! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2022-06-12
1365 瀏覽
這些日子總是下著雨,心情無比的差,幸好還有Donki在公司附近。下班後便走去看看有沒有什麼找找吃的,可惜太晚了,只剩不多選擇, 唯有將就將就下吧。三文魚刺身,不過不失。帶子壽司和吞合魚壽司,大大粒帶子十分滿足,至於吞拿魚壽司則一口一件,剛剛好的,很不錯。Grilled soft squid魷魚嫩滑,超級Juicy,配上一杯啤酒🍻一流享受。Grilled crab stick with teriyaki n mayo回家時已凍了 ,烤返熱後超好吃的,作為熱食為結尾,它總沒讓我失望,因為真的很好吃。- Thank you for visiting, and I wish you a pleasant day!感謝你的瀏覽,我希望你有愉快的一天!Thanks for your support 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2022-01-03
861 瀏覽
===================後記:係呀我又去行Donki 扮去左日本幻想一下此時此刻講句sumemase食住omakase 飲杯sake 😂====================📍地址: Don Don Donki 名珠城店百德新街22-36號名珠城1-4樓@dondondonkihk 。。。賣相❤️❤️❤️❤️價錢❤️❤️❤️好食程度❤️❤️❤️環境❤️❤️❤️服務質素❤️❤️ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)