人氣韓國燒烤店,招牌為燒韓牛,當中以肩胛肉及護心肉最為推薦。 繼續閱讀
11:30 - 16:30
17:30 - 22:00
11:30 - 16:30
17:30 - 22:00
11:30 - 16:30
17:30 - 22:00
Visa Master AlipayHK 支付寶 現金 八達通 AE 銀聯 Apple Pay Google Pay 微信支付
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食評 (173)
等級1 2024-11-01
153 瀏覽
Worst experience ever!We were assigned at the corner of the restaurant. There were 6 of us and we were told the minimum order was 2 of the set meals or 6 plates of a la carte meat platter or a mix of both since we had 2 stoves. We had a hard time placing our order as a lot of the meal combos were sold out already. That left us only one set meal option so we basically had no choice but to order that. And we added 3 other plates of meat.The food was pretty good. It was not our first time dining in MeokBang but we never visited this one in Mega Box. We usually go to the one in Mongkok and we always had a great family time.After our orders arrived, we noticed that no appetizers were given. The kimchi, pickled radish, pickled cucumber, lettuce, pepper and garlic were no where to be found. We asked the waiter at least 3 times before we had our first round. About midway through our meal, the first round was finally served. Everything was emptied in seconds since we had been waiting for a long time.After that, we ordered again, at least 4 times, to different waiters for the same appetizers. The last time we 'begged' the waiter very politely to give us the lettuce to go with this meat, he told us very impatiently that he had placed the order for us. And it was not his but his colleagues' duty to deliver the dishes to our table. We noticed that the table next to us was served with all the appetizers minutes after they had sat down, even before they placed an order. And they kept serving the other table that was a member.I do not understand the discrimination towards our table. Is it because we did not ask aggressively? Or is it because we were not members? It was obviously very busy and short staffed that night. And I get the delay of service. But I do not get the difference of service provided to us and the others. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
週末同另一半去食lunch,分別嗌咗月見芝士和牛漢堡套餐、和牛燒肉飯、青檸梳打同樽裝可樂一枝。和牛燒肉飯$98-味道不過不失月見芝士和牛漢堡套餐$58-性價比高青檸梳打$38樽裝可樂$18飲品等咗半個鐘都未有,問完又問都係未有,甚至眼見所及都冇侍應,直到要親手走去水吧反映再等多陣先送嚟⋯⋯杯青檸梳打係成粒上,只係切咗一刀⋯⋯點篤啊⋯⋯招呼我哋嘅女侍應態度係幾好嘅,不停講「唔好意思」,但不會有下次了 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-10-17
265 瀏覽
好耐無食韓燒 每次經過炑八見到lunch set幾抵都話要試下叫燒肉類嘅套餐就有得任添爐邊嘅燒蛋同芝士,套餐仲跟任添嘅前菜(泡菜,海帶,芽菜),所以成個set係超飽,超抵食。肉質就一般啦,特別係牛肋肉好韌,但護心肉就幾好。因為有清爽嘅前菜,所以唔會好油膩。想要quick lunch嘅話都有雞排蛋包飯之類嘅套餐,仲跟餐飲,overall嚟講都推薦。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-08-21
1109 瀏覽
去九龍灣行街坐shuttle bus去Megabox,在後門下車後,由偏門入來,看到這熟悉的韓式餐廳的午市餐牌。芝士粟米,泡菜蛋還有前菜係任添,抵!而且價格合理,所以入內就座。手機下單後,職員呈上泡菜蛋,芝士粟米,三款小食,餐湯,白飯。最期待的葱蒜牛五花來了,雖然份量不多,但也足夠午餐了。八十個大洋,不能要求太多。先喝海帶湯,看不見海帶,但鹹度正常,味道不錯,讓人一口又一口地喝下去。再把牛五花放在烤網上燒呀燒,燒好後剪成小件,拌著白飯慢慢嘆。最後來到粟米芝士和泡菜蛋,再把三小碟食清光。 真係好飽,沒有再添了。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-08-20
1043 瀏覽
今日黎開mega box呢度行IKEA,本身諗住喺IKEA食就算,點知好多人排晒長龍,就搵其他嘢食。見呢間lunch set唔貴就入嚟食,本身諗住嗌啲定食就算,點知見到隔籬枱燒肉燒到好香,就忍唔住叫燒肉set。嗌咗個特製三品拼盤,有牛舌、梨汁雞腿肉同埋特製護心肉。份量都算幾好,唔會話某啲肉啲某啲肉少啲。因為佢預先調好咗味,所以唔使點汁都好夠味,而且啲肉都好夠滑,唔會好難咬開。估唔到佢啲燒肉都幾好,下次嚟都可以試吓其他燒肉。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)