港鐵灣仔站 B2 出口, 步行約3分鐘 繼續閱讀
所有分店 (6)
11:30 - 23:00
11:30 - 23:00
*最後落單時間 22:30
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食評 (43)
等級4 2024-05-25
2409 瀏覽
We coming here for Yukiniku buffet, yaya, neat environment is pretty comsy, and it’s funny cooking your own meats haaa, you can order meats, seafoods and sides dishes by scanning their qr code and there are some desserts corner outsides you can choose yourself, 100mins is ok but a bit rush if you have to cook yourself, overall such a nice experience haaJapanese Pork Rib Eye is so dry and thick really unacceptable you can’t feel any water insides at allThick cut Japanese Pork Belly and Pork Slice are in average standard, but a bit too fat for pork slice guess 70% is fat lolllllPork Neck is not bad won’t be dryPremium Japan Wagyu Oyster Blade in Charcoal Grilled Gerlic Sauce is highly recommended, soso yummy with tender meat, so good eating together with lettuce Premium Honey Sausage tasting nice with butter sauce haaMussels is okay for meEnoki Mushroom with Butter is such a good one with good chef haa, having soft textureMini sweet potatoes tasting sweet which i love so much cutie oneFried pineapple is good for refreshing after having many meatsDeep-fried Shichimi Chicken wing is pretty bad with complicated taste and not well cooked…Ramen having rich flavor and good texture Spinach Cheese Croquette is just soso, no cheese flavor at allTakoyaki is really bad guess the worst i’ve tried, with thick powder and only one really small piece of squid insidesSides dishes are really soso i’d say the standard is a bit below average When we come to dessert parts, I love mochi ice esp vanilla and seasame flavor haaa, can’t resist having more yayaThere’re dessert corner you can take yourself, we tried Chocolate Daifuku, Puff, blueberries cheesecake, and waffleChocolate Daifuku having some cream insides is yummy yummy haa we love it and the puff is good treat, cheesecake far below the standard no cheese taste and looseThe most horrible one is waffle so crazy cold and thick, never tried one like this a bite is more than enough lollllI’m looking forward for Ice Cream for so long since we start the meal, but its completely disappointing cry out, we pull it ourselves from the ice cream machine and earl grey chocolate ice cream is so disappointing taste a bit weird, i was having very high expectation sosadddd and chocolate with pretty rich percentage cocoa but i wanna some sweet flavor after having meal sosadHot chocolate is a good one too yaya insides:menu:Some dishes are good here such as premium oyster blade, chocolate daifuku and puff but side dishes and meat standard is really soso  繼續閱讀
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等級3 2024-11-06
0 瀏覽
同朋友商量咗好耐到底食啲咩去到利東街咁啱就見到牛角發現佢嘅午市套餐好抵食只係80幾蚊就可以任食自助吧嘅嘢例如有漢堡、台灣腸👍🏻而且可以自己整牛角飯😂 最開心都係可以自己任加紫菜🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻而且仲可以自己拎甜品,甜品嘅種類都有好多,有蛋糕有啫喱,一定食得飽 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2024-10-30
292 瀏覽
今日屋企人突然間話想食燒肉,我哋就第一時間諗起呢間燒肉專門店,帶住兩個細路食呢間任食的燒肉店往往都會卻步,因為小朋友進食的份量並不多,所以好多時都未必會揀一啲任食時段的不過依家例外,今次我哋點咗國產牛的套餐,估唔到兩個小朋友狀態大勇食咗好多,絕對係抵晒另外環境方面亦非常之舒適,食物種類選擇非常之動多 ,佢個國產牛嘅質量非常之高,食落有肉汁,不過唔會有太油膩嘅感覺加上時限有100分鐘,絕對足夠的時間去開餐另外要讚的地方,他們好好食嘅雪糕🍦機,就算是他們的朱古力雪糕以及牛奶雪糕兩種都好好食絕對係大人細路都適合人頭兩百幾至$300 左右我覺得都OK 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-10-05
567 瀏覽
朋友生日,佢話要去食牛角放題,當然要滿足佢呢個願望啦!牛角buffet放題有好幾set套餐揀,最貴嘅要400幾元,最平嘅就要300幾,我地揀左第二平那款,大概350 左右1個人,任食90分鐘。其實都多嘢食嘅,除左任點牛豬雞呢啲外,仲會有啲蔬菜﹑小食等,味道就一般正常咁,可能食得太多肉,到最後係食到有啲驚好彩佢都有個mini bar, 有啲小食例如甜品﹑雪糕﹑飲品咁,都係任食嘅,甜品都係啲普通款,唔會覺得佢好食,但又唔會難食嘅。最欣賞佢嘅雪糕,又有軟雪糕,又又枝裝同杯裝嘅雪糕,選擇好多!整體嚟講,鍾意食肉嘅人就啱晒,由於本人唔太鍾意食咁多肉,又唔係好食得嘅人,就覺得一般啦!但啲肉嘅質素係ok嘅。 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2024-09-09
967 瀏覽
由於朋友喺牛角嘅會員關係,今日食飯嘅時候佢就推介左我哋嚟呢一間位於喺利東街既日式燒肉,喺地鐵站行上嚟,其實都係非常方便,而且落雨都唔怕,幾步路就到!朋友提前喺app 預先拎咗飛,所以去到等咗一陣都好快入到去!首先讚吓牛肉質素,佢嘅澳洲和牛質素非常高,油花分布比例好靚,嚟到嘅時候都覺得呢個價錢可以食到呢一個質素其實都唔差,而且再加埋佢本身嘅鹽味sauce! 味道真係幾好! 而且海鮮嚟講都可以任食,我就鍾意食佢嘅蝦,幾新鮮,雖然唔係太大隻!餐廳出邊仲有關東煮任食,同埋沙律菜同埋牛角飯,食完之後仲可以喺甜品區食雪糕,價錢大概係$400人頭🙈🙈 繼續閱讀
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