新派中菜館,供應京、川、滬及粵菜,將傳統菜式做法改良,餐廳裝潢走五六十年代的懷舊路線,別具一格。 繼續閱讀
餐廳原名為任白 (Ren Bai)。
星期一至日: 12:00-15;00, 18:00-23:00
Visa Master 現金 AE
自帶酒水 詳細介紹
泊車 詳細介紹
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
石榴寄居蟹 石榴雞 開水大白菜 話梅花雕雞
食評 (18)
(非會員) 2011-03-04
246 瀏覽
Very bad service attitude, on top of very average food and superficial atmosphereWe came at 2pm for a late lunch and the waiters were all too happy to take our order. However, at a bit less than 3 they started making noise to induce us to leave as they wanted to close the restaurant. The manager of the restaurant came twice ask to tell us that they were going to close as we were still chewing our food.....As we told him that it was not correct to do this he started uttering some curse in Cantonese. Food is very so so, with a typically superficial atmosphere that is made to seduce gweilos who don't know chinese foodA place to avoid.... 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2011-02-24
146 瀏覽
不知是不是生意難做 一入去不停叫你要茶 要熱水收10杯 我們叫了1. 醉雞2. wild veg 原來是馬蘭頭3. 水煮魚4. 小蘢包5. 乾煸四季豆6. 擔擔麵最好吃是乾煸四季豆 其他的味道可以 但一句到尾不值.本來想叫主食 所以問有無擔擔麵 侍應說有但menu無寫 到頭來來要70幾元 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2011-01-20
103 瀏覽
Made reservations for a table of 5 but turned out it wasn't necessary, because we were one of the few parties at Bamboo on this chilly winter evening. Nevertheless, food was good and warmed us through, being sichuan cuisine. Nice bossa nova (Ye Lai Xiang) music greeted us as walked through the narrow entrance. Service:Very good. The manager, whose name I could not catch, is attentive, eager to recommend dishes, eager to talk about his food, ways of cooking, and very friendly. The other waiters are also hospitable and polite. A laid-back, no-fuss, casual atmosphere good for those who want a bit of good home cooking.Environment:It's unlike any conventional Chinese restaurant. It has a somewhat retro, seventies feel to the interior design. The lighting is not bright, there are antiques adorning random corners, and a bamboo ladder near the entrance. Quite tasteful and it added a different kind of flavour to our dining experience. Food: Wild vegetables with diced dried bean curd $48 7.5/10The so-called 'wild veg' is 'Ma Lan Tou' (mandarin), which I love, with diced and dried bean curd (not flavored). I think there was some peanut/sesame sauce mixed with the bean curd. Although this dish tasted great, it was a bit dry. It would be great if next time they could make it a bit more moist, so that the stuff is easier to pick up using chopsticks.Drunken Chicken in Hua Diao sauce $68 8.5/10This dish was so tasty we had 2 orders of exactly the same thing. Good things about this dish: (1) Served cold. Just came out of the fridge. I don't like lukewarm drunken chicken. (2) Wine used to soak chicken was slightly sweeter than the average wine used. I like sweeter wine. (3) The rice used to ferment the wine was served together with the chicken. This way of serving the dish I have not encountered elsewhere in Hong Kong. The grains were delicious, soaked through with wine and very juicy. The chicken itself was nice and tender. No rough bits at all. Two servings, friends. Minced duck with lettuce Canton style $108 6.5/10I myself am not a huge fan of this dish, no matter who makes it. Somehow the stuffing in the middle I'm not entirely sure about. Sometimes at home, they'd put in some liver, which I detest, and a bunch of other weird ingredients. I believe this one only contained minced duck, mung beans, spring onion, chili. So i was OK in terms of ingredients, but I did not enjoy it 100% because it was a bit hot. I'd rather everything were milder, without the chili. Sadly this is a sichuan restaurant and you can't exactly request a non-spicy dish when it's meant to be spicy. The iceberg lettuce leaves were fresh, large and crunchy - really healthy leaves. Bamboo crispy duck $148(half) 8.5/10 Regardless of whether or not this duck was cooked on, with, or in bamboo, it is a signature and a must-try. The meat is extremely tender, but wasn't very most - and you could flake the flesh with the back of your fork. The crispy skin is delicious. It isn't too oily. It didn't have the 'gamey' smell/taste which I am sensitive and aversive to. I really like this dish. It wasn't spicy so it suits my palate. Steamed shrimp and garlic shoot dumplings 5/10 I did not try these because I don't eat shrimp. I gathered, however, that the skin was too thin and broke easily. They didn't comment on the fillings. Apparently the state of skin was so appalling that they'd forgotten what the filling was like. :/Steamed Fish Hangzhou style $148 6.5/10Fresh water fish - 'Lo yu' - steamed in honey and vinegar thick sauce. The meat quality wasn't the best but it was fresh fish and the meat was firm and smooth. It was a thick fillet. Had a bit of bite. Not bad, but not a must-try. Steamed aubergine with black bean sauce $88 8.5/10 Very, very simple ingredients, great blend of flavours, cooked to perfection - I could consume an entire dish of this! As you can see, the portions are generous. The soy sauce was thin enough for the insides to soak up like a sponge - and it did - eat it in one big bite with a bit of spring onion and chinese preserved olives. Healthy, very little oil, delicious, variation on the regular aubergine dish. Sichuan jumbo ribs $138 8/10 This dish smells very good and cannot be eaten elsewhere (so they say). The floss you see on the surface is a mixture of bread crumbs, chili pepper, sesame, and perhaps a bit of pork floss. I'd have preferred it less hot! The manager explained to us that the pork ribs had been marinated overnight in a chili marinade, and then cooked in mild chili oil before serving. The meat was flaky, soft and flavorful. For those who can't stand heat, you could request for a milder version of the dish when you place your order. I would've given this dish a higher rating, but for the heat. Pea shoots in superior broth with garlic 8/10Surprisingly sweet, tender and delicious. The pea shoots we have at home are blanched and then fried with a bit of garlic, which ought to yield a somewhat similar flavour but these ones were yummier. Perhaps it's because they are very sweet, and the superior broth was delicious. Maybe it's got to do with the quality of pea shoots as well. in any event, I recommend this dish to whoever needs veg to complete a meal. Place 2 orders for parties of 5+. Chrysanthemum Jello Tastes good but texture is unusual. It's not the normal translucent jelly-like chrysanthemum jelly. This one is opaque, more floury, more solid. There was less 'juice' than the normal jelly-like pudding. I prefer the normal kind actually. Feels more refreshing and...dessert-like. not a must-try. Sweet eggy steamed bun8/10Apparently a specialty of Bamboo, recommended by the manager. Pretty impressive. The skin was sweet, soft, thin; the eggy flowing batter was piping hot, sweeeet and satisfying. A very good flowing eggy bun. Yes, recommended. Do try. Conclusion:Will definitely return! For lunch next time perhaps. Looks pretty economical. Wish you all the best! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
每次在蘇豪吃飯,幾乎都是清一式的西餐或異國菜,今回一於攪攪新意思,見不少食友在此吃過午餐,經濟之餘評價又高,所以找了個下午,與女友同來,吃吃它的午餐,地方是比較隱秘,說真的,如沒有了OR,也許很難會有人來呢,以是日為例,周末的下午時份,只有兩枱客,之後有一對外藉的夫妻入來用膳,蘇豪始終也是蘇豪,確是比較多外國客的,反之本地人真的很少。由於蠻趕時間,很快的看了看餐牌,午餐餐牌有高中低三個價錢,三款的午餐都包頭盤,不是冷盤、點心就是沙律,而最低價錢的一個套餐的主菜是炒或湯麵或一些較貴的點心,中價的主菜是用料較為普通的小菜,最高價錢的主菜確是比較有特色,雖然中價位的小菜也有不少選擇,但看來看去還是想吃桂花骨及西湖醋魚,另套餐也包茶及甜品的。茶與女友一人一壺,只有普洱及茉莉選,當然是一人一款味,普洱喝起來都可以說是夠濃,但跟蓮香的比已是差太遠,更徨論陸羽了,幸好喝起來沒有腥味,這已是要比很多茶樓的要好;茉莉花茶反之都很溶,喝起來有一陣清香而不俗,個人認為比普洱更好喝。先來的是頭盤,選了兩個涼盤,第一個是芥末花蛤,所謂的花蛤,其實是蜆仔而已,但數量真的很多,粒粒無沙而鮮嫩,絕不是韌極如嚼膠的貨色,加上點青紅椒絲非常爽口,至於味道方面,吃起來很清新但又隱隱含蓄的發出一陣芥末攻鼻之感,這個感覺我喜歡,夠過癮。本人愛吃花雕醉雞,愛其酒香及雞肉的嫩滑,是日此處的醉雞都算符合我的心意,肉色的雞肉呈很淺的粉紅色,真的是很僅熟而已,店家控制火路控制得非常好,所以雞肉吃起來極之嫩滑,加上皮下脂肪不多,雞皮同是非常嫩滑甘香而不會吃得人一口油,雞肉中花雕的味道也挺突出,香味徐徐的在口中散出,要嫌的就是稍嫌那花雕太過甜身,不知是否因為花雕太甜的關係,吃了半碟的雞之中竟被女友找到一隻小小的蚊,說實在的,本人仍是相信店家的廚房是衛生的,但都很難再吃下去,唯有要求店員換另外一個頭盤吧。店員讓我們再選一個頭盤,最後決定試試這兒的點心,選了較為清淡的蝦餃拼上素餃,點心是新鮮蒸的,非常夠熱,先吃蝦餃,一口咬下,蝦餃皮偏厚,但總算有嚼勁而濕潤,加上蝦球夠新鮮,爽口有鮮味,這已經很不錯;上素餃看來脹卜卜的,內裡的餡原來真的是多得很呢!有花生、芝麻、金菇、香菇、木耳、菜莖、松子、甘筍、唐芹及菜甫,皮是比蝦餃的要薄,味道也不比蝦餃的遜色,有芝麻、香菇、松子、唐芹、花生及菜甫的香味,又有金菇、木耳、菜莖及甘筍的爽口,吃起來很是不錯。主菜要了桂花骨,嗅起來不太覺得有桂花香,吃起來也如是,味道雖然是偏向甜身一點的,但桂花味真的薄得很,相信只不過是下了點蜜糖來煮罷了,而且紹酒的味道隱形,真的只好當它是普通的生炸骨來吃好了,排骨炸得很熱,外層有點脆身,吃起來的肉一點也不韌,肉的纖維感很強,是天然沒化學攻擊過的肉排,所以真的好吃,撇開桂花的因素,其實真的是好吃的。人在杭州時,常吃西湖醋魚,今天在香港價錢更貴,也不要求它用上珍貴的笋殼魚,其實就連小小的草魚也沒有,店家用的並不是原條的魚,而是兩塊起了肉的魚柳,所以究竟什麼魚來的,也真的無從稽考,魚肉吃起來細嫩,但觀乎吃起來一點骨也沒有,看來是一條海魚,不是用上淡水魚就真的不太行了,加上其香醋汁不太香,只能說是普普通通的菜式而已,但少少酸用來下飯確是稱職。最後送來的甜品是炸鮮奶,炸鮮奶由於已經是炸了好一陣子,吃起來外層雖仍然是脆,但明顯的油份已經有點回入到皮內,而鮮奶也不是非常之有奶香,可幸的是入口細嫩,甜度適中,怎說也未至於難吃。吃得飽飽的,時間仍有少少鬆,一於再細看店家特別的裝修、擺設及再喝口茶,加上店子很潮的播着懷舊的西方音樂,真的有時空及地域大轉移的感覺,與女友凝在這一刻,感覺不錯。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2009-11-06
64 瀏覽
外國同事都話呢度好食, 一於黎試下!如果唔係佢帶路, 真係唔知呢度有間咁既中菜館!係扶手電梯底, 仲要轉落半層, 係其中一條巷仔, 有個勁勁勁細既門口!!! 門口已經好富中國色彩, 有牌扁, 紅色貼紙, 木門...好靚呀! 入面好暗, 不過都算有情調, 而且佈置得好似外國tea room, 綠色牆身, 加上好多廣州/上海畫像同擺設, 感覺好似去左舊式中餐館咁! waitress全部著住舊式餐館既侍應裝, 紅色中國上衣+黑色長褲, 非常傳統! set lunch有$68 & $78兩款選擇每個都有唔同既冷盤+主菜+白飯+中國茶我揀左以下~冷盤 : 醉雞 - 落好多紹興酒去煮, 肉質仍然非常鮮嫩, 而且起晒骨, 好欣賞佢地既心機 主菜 : 椒鹽魷魚 - 唔會落好多粉, 炸得剛好, 有魷魚味, 而且有好多炒蒜粒同炒紫菜, 類似韓國個種紫菜, 用黎配飯剛好! 樣樣野都好大碟, 而且唔係得幾舊俾你~非常好! 中國茶 : 茉莉花茶 - 我唔多講究, 不過同事就話茶葉好靚, waitress有問我地想share一個茶壺定分開, 我地share一個就會俾個茶樓既茶壺我地, 我見隔離檯分開的話, 就係好精緻既玻璃小茶壺 服務算幾好, 只係落單個陣有d混亂, 我地5個人, 其實都講得幾慢同好清楚點d咩不過過一陣佢返轉頭問番2個人要邊個set lunch既野...我地估計因為佢本menu既問題, 因為$68既menu印係同一張紙上面, 前頁係英文, 後頁係中文, $78 menu都一樣但掀過一頁後, 就會見到左面個版係$68中文menu, 右面係$78英文menuso, 個waitress應該先問問我地望住邊款menu, 就唔會咁混亂喇... 不過都會再黎~ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)