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食評 (8)
等級4 2015-12-02
284 瀏覽
近年好鍾意食糖水既我,每逢行經糖水店都會心思思想食,今晚就買咗芒果布甸返到屋企打開後就見到好多花奶(係我叫店員加入去既),淺嚐一口,好香芒果味,仲好滑,花奶又好香醇,唯一欠缺既就係芒果肉粒,不過以$17嚟講都叫做抵食既,同埋細細碗又唔驚食肥人,總括嚟講都唔錯呀喇~ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2015-11-07
335 瀏覽
Went here because of the new dessert series.Tried the pistachio and purple sweet potato soup and the other one.The pistachio was too sweet and sickly with a strong coconut taste which overpowered the pistachio.The pistachio at Lan Chee Koon and Hoi Kee tastes better.There were two waitresses, the one at the till was rude because she gave the change back in a rude manner. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2014-11-01
231 瀏覽
i came here craving for the sago desserts. i ordered the taro sticky rice dessert with black sesame mochi ($26).they said the mochi is sold out and can only replace with small mochi without filling still $26 or without it it's still $26. i said "why still $26 without the mochi? well, ok, i would do the one with small mochi without black sesame fillings. "then they came back to me and told me it's also sold out. then i had to look for another item. so i ordered the bird's nest dessert steamed egg white with black sesame fillings ($29). it's actually not the filling, rather they put the black sesame paste at the bottom and steamed the egg white on the top. i was quite disappointed and the egg itself is not tasty at all. all these items are put in a plastic bowl (unlike other dessert shops put it in a casserole) and make it look quite cheap.  繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2011-08-30
42 瀏覽
(1)芒果神冰:真係芒果盛宴,全部都係芒果味食品,芒果雪葩、芒果肉、芒果汁,底層是芒果布甸,可惜一有比較,底層的芒果布甸味道就顯得太假了。(2)芒果凍餅:因為惠顧了其他食品可以優惠價$13點選,但份量……實在太小份了!凍餅是木糠表層芝士蛋糕,內有粒粒芒果肉,味道一般香味不足。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)