港鐵銅鑼灣站 A 出口 繼續閱讀
所有分店 (2)
供應巧手地道泰國菜,店主曾經營泰國食材出入口生意,對當地人常用的食材甚為了解。 繼續閱讀
11:30 - 23:00
11:30 - 23:00
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冬蔭公湯 芒果糥米飯 青咖哩雞 炸春雞 菠蘿焗飯 鐵板蠔
食評 (50)
等級2 2024-04-05
1910 瀏覽
有個外國朋友海外回港,話好想食泰國野,所以就選了這間餐廳。我地8個人,有預約,唔使等位,但係利無台就要笠,都幾長龍。但都好快,5分鐘左右就入左電梯。可能係星期一,餐廳唔多人,超過一半吉位。我地叫左生蝦,苳陰功湯,燒猪頸肉,菠蘿炒飯,蒜蓉包。。。燒猪頸肉燒得好好味,切得好簿,可惜切唔斷,一片黐一片。蒜蓉包好軟熟,蒜蓉味好香。個菠蘿海鮮炒飯就一般,有d失望,個菠蘿好靚外觀,但面頭d海鮮好假,條蟹柳顏色好假好紅,好似擦膠咁,見到都驚,個炒飯底係ok無問題。埋單每人HK350,覺得有d貴 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2023-10-23
2156 瀏覽
This used to be my favourite Thai place. Went there today and sat by the front sofa seats until a baby cockroach crawled onto our table and we changed seats to the back near the windows. Wanted to finish my food when I found big fish bones in the fish slices on the pad Thai. Finally, the last big cockroach crawled from the sofa behind my friend when we decided to get the bill and won’t be back!! Disappointing and sad to see what’s becoming of this restaurant. The staff said they do pest control but obviously the little bugs are hiding inside all the wooden furniture and coming in and out when they feel like it. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2023-05-28
2372 瀏覽
Seeing every restaurant in Lee Theatre Plaza requires to queue, I just couldn't be bothered and went into the Sweet Basil Thai Cuisine. It required no queue while menu looks serving variety food.We ordered the Green Curry fried rice with chicken and the Spicy Thai basil bean curd and long beans stir fry. Portion was humongous. Fried rice was so flavourful. It wasn't as spicy as it smelled. Even stir frying with green curry sauce, the fry rice still kept pretty dry. It was loaded with vegetables such as the Thai eggplant, baby corn, carrots etc. Vegetables absorbed the green curry flavour while maintained to be crunchy. Chicken was moist and juicy. It was a very nice fry rice! The Spicy Thai bean curd was served boiling hot, in addition with the chilli, my friend was having difficulty to eat. After cooling a bit, it was another yummy dish. Looks simple but tasting full of deliciousness and Thai flavour. Tofu was first fried before stir frying with the sauce. Every bite could taste the Thai basil. Long beans were crunchy while trapping the sauce inside. It was a good dish to serve with rice. All in all, a cozy quiet place to dine in because seats between seats were quite spacious. Service was good. A comfortable Thai dining. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2023-04-03
2394 瀏覽
同屋企人相約係銅鑼灣食泰國菜今次揀左🌿金不換我地一行3人店內午餐時間唔算多人 店員都好有禮貌👍🏻明爐烏頭上菜時有個爐仔比我地滾住食 熱辣辣魚面頭鋪滿好多香蔥同芫荽😋魚肉有淡淡檸檬葉香矛氣味,肉質嫩滑,仲有一個酸辣汁黎點魚肉,不過就咁食都好味道👍🏻乾咖哩蝦球蝦球正常size 都幾鮮嘅 不過個咖哩汁太重椰奶味 咖哩味較淡 蒜蓉包蒜蓉包都幾大塊 正常水凖炸蝦餅炸蝦餅有6件 大大舊 掛住食冇影相😆香芋黑糯米鐘意食芋頭同糯米可以一試 兩樣加埋口感綿密又有趙口 推介一試 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2023-02-01
2618 瀏覽
在香港試很多好評如潮的新泰國菜館,全部都失望而回,還是舊派的好,例如金不換及九龍城隆姐。酸辣鳳爪- 泰菜首先必吃--沙律。夠香夠辣、彈牙、配菜足,一流惹味。另一推介是不辣的柚子沙律。炸蝦餅- 必吃之選,好大份,好脆,好味,好彈牙。燒豬頸肉- 燒得好香、辣汁惹味、酸菜配得剛剛好。黃咖哩牛腩- 牛腩夠冧,但同其他餐廳一樣地有點鹹。燒鱔- 得罪都要講句,好味過和三昧的燒鱔,肥美油香,沒有半點腥味草味。芒果糯米飯- 吃得出精選的芒果,椰醬又濃味。千層糕- 唔夠斑蘭味,有點甜。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)